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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Halo wars release dates!

So it's Feb. 27 for Europe and March 3 for US




And who's going to get this game?

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I am getting it for sure.....really love the ensemble studio games (dissolved, sadly). The game looks phenomenal and the console control scheme might actually work if previews are an accurate indication.

I'm buying. I was sold at the woeds Ensemble and Strategy game. Also it's their last game. I bet they have really polished their bon voyage.

yep i'm pre-ordering the limited edition next weekend...I'm really looking foreward to it and have been a longtime fan of both halo and ensemble studios so its obviously a perfect choice for me

i'm hoping ensemble goes out with a bang since its their final release

Why earlier in Europe? Most Halo owners are American.

Pixel Art can be fun.

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I will be spanking this, thats for sure

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Getting it day one.

I'll have it day one as well. Love me some RTS. Add Halo in, and its golden

I'm passing as of right now. I'm still not sold on a RTS being on a console although I'd like to be proven wrong.

Day 1 purchase. I mean its ensembles last game! We need to make sure they get sent off with a bang!