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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should I buy a PS3 this holiday?

josenieves1 said:
mtofu said:
the only minus to having all three systems is that you're swamped with too many games to play. i have a long list of games that i've started without finishing... or purchased without opening.

it's a worthy purchase but a complete time killer.


 That "swamping" is of concern to me. 

That will not be a concern{God Of War III.}

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nordlead said:
Even though I own one, I'm going to go with a solid NO, unless you can name at LEAST 5 exclusive games you really want that are either out, or will be out in the near future (like next 3 months)

If there really aren't 5 games you are interested in, then spending $400 just for so few games really isn't worth it.

However, you also need to consider how much you want a Blu-ray player too, as I got mine for $300, I wanted a blu-ray player, and I wanted like 4 titles that are out now, and I don't own a X360. So it was worth the $300 for me.


 There are more than 5 games but on the other hand the disposable money isn’t abundant. 

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


Then unless there are NO games you want for the Wii/360, then I wouldn't do it. Being short on money is never fun.

I think you should 100% get a PS3. I feel that the real question is When you should get one

Ender said:
Then unless there are NO games you want for the Wii/360, then I wouldn't do it. Being short on money is never fun.

And this year there is no holiday bonus  :(


Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


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SMcc1887 said:
I think you should 100% get a PS3. I feel that the real question is When you should get one

True.  As the tread title reads.


Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.


josenieves1 said:
SMcc1887 said:
I think you should 100% get a PS3. I feel that the real question is When you should get one

True.  As the tread title reads.


Oops. Obviously I need to invest in a pair of glasses before I think about purchasing any new games.


If the disposable cash is low and you still decide to buy one... Let me give you a little advice.... ASK OUR WIFE!! LOL

buy the PS3 only end gen for the must have titles (when the console is 200 max)..... cause if they are not must have there is no reason for you to buy it now anyways.

on my personnal list there is 3 I can see so far.

MGS4 ; FFXIIIVersus ; GoW3

and only one of these is out....


I own a PS3, 360 and a Wii. I'm also buying "myself" a second PS3 for x-mas. And by myself, I mean my girlfriend so she can get off mine all the time! lol
It is very much worth it. After naming all the games your interested in and saying that your interested in the media functionality of the PS3 I think we both know exactly what your going to do. Because what good is money other then buying lots of awesome video games and pissing away your life?! Exactly, Sex. But hey, you can have sex with your PS3 too and I won't tell anybody.

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