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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

Also doesnt it strike everyone as odd. Sony have more internal devs but less top class games this gen. What happened? M$ seems to have more variety and stellar exclusives time after time this gen.

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selnor said:
Also doesnt it strike everyone as odd. Sony have more internal devs but less top class games this gen. What happened? M$ seems to have more variety and stellar exclusives time after time this gen.

Very varied indeed... shooters, shooters and shooters... oh and a RPG with a horrible art style (Fable 2) and that "extremely" fun pratformer called Banjo. Some of these games selling good doesn't mean they're better than others. IMO only Halo and Gears are top notch.


Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

WHY littlebigplanet is not in the list????????

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

2nd party it's close but first party Sony just wins by a mile...

Former something....

Sony definitely has the variety but I'd say that Xbox has the bigger blockbusters.  Nothing on the PS3 compares to the amount of hype that Halo and Gears produces.  At least until GT5 comes out.

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Microsoft hands down. ;)

selnor said:
Also doesnt it strike everyone as odd. Sony have more internal devs but less top class games this gen. What happened? M$ seems to have more variety and stellar exclusives time after time this gen.

I thin ksony has pulled all of them to work on few projects like killzone 2, GoW3 and maybe another and thats why the best tallent is not working on all games, i think.


dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Sony for me by far, in my opinion they are with Konami the best game developers in the industry, no other (except maybe Square and Atlus) comes even close.

Sony has a lot of excellent franchises, and I haven't even played half of them. I can't say I've played many M$ franchises, but outside Age of Empires and Rise of Nations, I haven't played another great game from them


Out of the ones you listed, I only like:

- Halo franchise

- Forza

- Fable


- Gran Turismo


So MS gets the cake for me...


When this generation began, I would have chosen Sony in a heart beat, but MS stole a lot of exclusives away from them (like FF now), so I lean towards MS now more than I did before.  Especially when Rockstar was developing for Sony only console wise, it was a no brainer.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


axumblade said:
selnor said:
If M$ went all out to buy Bioware, Bethesda and Epic that would be a very stellar team.

I have a funny feeling though that M$ may buy Valve. They seem very close at the moment and Valve have been assosiated with Halo 4. Hmmmmmm.

I don't think they really need to buy Valve. Valve seem to loyally follow Microsoft pretty close and seem to not really have interest in Nintendo or Sony (especially after Orange Box).



It's just because of the similar nature of PC and 360 architecture makes for easier and cheaper and more successful ports to the 360 than for PS3 or Wii.  I don't think Valve really has a preference other than it's fairly easy to make a tidy profit this way.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?