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Forums - Gaming Discussion - In your opinion, between Sony and MS, who has better 1st/2nd party titles?

coolestguyever said:

Sony Dude of course

1. GT > Forza (generally accepted)

2. Resistance = Gears (In my opinion)

3. God of War > Fable

4. Crackdown and "Rare titles" are no big deal

I'll give Microsoft credit for Halo though, thats a fun game. Nothing matches it on PS3 except Killzone 2

That's definitely your opinion. The vast majority of people around think Gears is a vastly superior game to Resistance. R2 may be a better game than R1, but it's still "just a shooter". Few shooters have risen to the top echelon of gaming... Halo (deserved or not), Half-Life (and its spawn), Gears, CoD4... Resistance doesn't even rate in comparison.

As for God of War vs. Fable, both are very good/great games... in entirely different genres. I don't see how you even compare them on a crap list like that. It's like comparing Mario to Gran Turismo and attempting to declare a winner... it makes no sense to anyone but yourself and shows your obvious bias in attempting to do so.

As a genre comparison, I'd give the nod to GoW for being the gold standard of hack-n-slash, while Fable is a "very good" WRPG... but there are better. On the other hand, the "hack-n-slash" genre is fucking small while the WRPG genre is huge.

I think this is the point where I should note that Fable 2 is probably going to kick God of War's sales numbers in the ass and then take Kraytos' mother out for a nice steak dinner afterward.

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Sony only a blind would´n be agree

rocketpig said:
coolestguyever said:

Sony Dude of course

1. GT > Forza (generally accepted)

2. Resistance = Gears (In my opinion)

3. God of War > Fable

4. Crackdown and "Rare titles" are no big deal

I'll give Microsoft credit for Halo though, thats a fun game. Nothing matches it on PS3 except Killzone 2

That's definitely your opinion. The vast majority of people around think Gears is a vastly superior game to Resistance. R2 may be a better game than R1, but it's still "just a shooter". Few shooters have risen to the top echelon of gaming... Halo (deserved or not), Half-Life (and its spawn), Gears, CoD4... Resistance doesn't even rate in comparison.

As for God of War vs. Fable, both are very good/great games... in entirely different genres. I don't see how you even compare them on a crap list like that. It's like comparing Mario to Gran Turismo and attempting to declare a winner... it makes no sense to anyone but yourself and shows your obvious bias in attempting to do so.

As a genre comparison, I'd give the nod to GoW for being the gold standard of hack-n-slash, while Fable is a "very good" WRPG... but there are better. On the other hand, the "hack-n-slash" genre is fucking small while the WRPG genre is huge.

I think this is the point where I should note that Fable 2 is probably going to kick God of War's sales numbers in the ass and then take Kraytos' mother out for a nice steak dinner afterward.

I speech kindly to anyone who thinks Gears = only great TPS made. Please play Unreal Championship 2 on the Xbox than tell me where Gears rates. UC2 = godlike when it comes to TPSs but thats jsut because of its made by Epic Games which makes epic games.


Just an FYI: UC2 has an 8.5 on metacritic mainly due to some retarded late reviews (gameTM? still have no clue on their review quality).

I;m lost on why Gears PC is rated lower on PC than the 360 too.... Gears PC > Gears 360 and has more content.


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UC is a better game... on PC, IMO. Yes, I played UC2. It was loads of fun. And ultimately, all FPS games - and many shooters - are best on PC. IMO, where Gears differed is that it was made for console players and rocked the fucking world.

I don't think we're arguing here... I think that a console TPS is best left to consoles... Meanwhile, "real" FPS and TPS are left for PC. I don't see any Resistance vs. Gears argument here.

BTW, don't mean to sound like an ass but the same "Epic" game makers that made Unreal Tournament... also made that "Epic" game called Gears of War. Let's not get into a pre-UE3 argument, okay?

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Who has sold the most game this generation? I'm not sure but I think it's Microsoft.

I also think Microsoft has a more diverse lineup than Sony.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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Godot said:
Who has sold the most game this generation? I'm not sure but I think it's Microsoft.

I also think Microsoft has a more diverse lineup than Sony.


Does that mean MacDonald produces best food in the world ?

And if by diverse you mean crapload of shooters + one casual rpg + some racers than sure :D


leo-j said:
Sony is a bigger 1st party dev than nintendo.. they have much more ip than nintendo and microsoft combined.


I agree. Quality too :p (my opinion)

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rhisc said:
selnor said:
If M$ went all out to buy Bioware, Bethesda and Epic that would be a very stellar team.

I have a funny feeling though that M$ may buy Valve. They seem very close at the moment and Valve have been assosiated with Halo 4. Hmmmmmm.


MS should buy Valve purely for Steam.  They can have the de facto digital download service for Windows and incorporate Games for Windows Live into this.

No ! they would ruin steam completely.

That would be freaking awful. :\


Check out my game about moles ^

The thing about Western rpgs...they might sell a lot but they are mainly awful games. The only good western rpgs were made in the eighties: The Ultima series, SSI's Dungeons and Dragon's Gold Box games and a couple in the nineties Baldur's Gate and Diablo. They haven't made any strides since then other than in graphics. And games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 haven't made any strides in graphics as they are still the headache inducing things first person games they were back in the Wizardry, Akalabeth, Dungeon Master, and pre Heroes Might and Magic days.

They just don't have the cute characters and wonderful soap opera meets end of the world storylines found in the best jrpgs.

Heavens to Murgatoids.