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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft looking to “break the bank” at E3 2009

“The last two E3s at least, if I use that a proxy for what’s coming, we’ve talked a lot about what its coming in the next five to six months after E3, and we’ve had some pressure that maybe we want to think a little broader about what we want to say at E3, a little further out in the future,” he said.

“I came out of an E3 planning meeting just about an hour ago, and we were looking at some of the plans for the future and things that we might want to tease, and it’s very exciting.

“There’s a lot of stuff on the docket, and maybe we’ll break the bank a little bit and talk about things that are further out, which will hopefully get the community excited.”

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new console? :S not alrdy!


a brand new xbox is about to be announced at e3?




I think there talking about games lol duh.

they will talk about Xbox720 "power" "possibility" without mentionning any release date

it will damage the PS3 despite that the xbox720 will not be released before 2011... they just want to make people save their money and not buying PS3 without revealing that they dont want to release a new console now.

Time to Work !

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^^^that's kinda stupid,,,cause it will hurt their own console(360)the most as people will think that console is about to be replaced.




360 price raise confirmed :P

xbox 360 for 99$?or free?




I hope they will announce Xbox 720 coming on 2010.

^^nah that's too soon to announce,Their sales for 360 will drop drastically and 360 is doing fine now.