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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Case Study: Is this Justified?

One would not be justified in disliking a console due to three bad gaming experiences.

It's a huge inductive leap to say that the PS3 has no good games based off of only 3 games as evidence.

The fact that your friend loved a game (MGS)would seem to further invalidate his statement.

All he is really justified in saying is that in his opinion only 1 out of 4 games on the PS3 are worth playing.

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Yeah its justified, in his experience it sucks, so he has the right to tell anyone that it does.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling