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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Had To Chose Your Next Gen Console Today...

xbox by far, unless they go the casual way like nintendo did

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Playstation 4 of course, I need my gran turismo, god of war, ratchet and all the other exclusives!

Both Nintendo's hand held and console. 8D

PS4 MG series but even if the MGS went to MS in the future i wouldn't switch i have to many fond memories gamming with ps12 and now with 3 and MS hasn't earn my respect especially after wat they been doing this gen nintendo is ok i just out ground them now


                                                                      Play Me

Whatever Nintendo makes. In fact, I've already started a trust fund for it. I'm a Mario, Zelda, Metroid fiend and I need my hits or I'll go crazy!

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

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This should be the next weekly poll!

halogamer1989 said:
This should be the next weekly poll!


Not a bad idea, I'd be interested to see the results because it would tell us peoples' true feeling on the best console this generation... which is something that sales numbers don't reveal.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Hmmm .... heres the things to consider.

1. Bioshock vs. Legend of Zelda
(Assuming 2K doesn't go with Ninty next gen)

2. XBLA/LIVE vs NintendoVintageWare(yes I made that up just now)
Decision: Microsoft; The biggest Online service I get with Ninty now is Virtual Console, which I will obviously still have next gen)

3. Controller War
Decision: Microsoft; The improvement between the first XBOX controller and the 360 is astounding, I love the 360 controller, I would put my faith that the next gen will be done right, not that I think Nintendo will do a poor job in the least, this is a close one.

4. Can Rare improve vs. Where the Hell is Silicon Knights?
Decision: Microsoft; I see greater Possibility for a slambang PD2 than a ED2

5. Geometry Wars 3
Decision: Microsoft; Whereas Galaxies is my favorite, I think all the support/success they have had with XBLA would make them lean towards their next big step with Microsoft, also I don't think it had to great a turnout on the Wii.

6. Racing Games
Decision: Microsoft Hands Down; Now that I knoe what Forza is (historical post comment) and want to check it out and PGR is also Microsoft Exclusive; combined with better prospect for PURE2 and GRiD2 this decision is already made.

7. FPS
Conduit looks promising but... Microsoft (Obvious)

8. Zombies -EDIT-
Microsoft; (On second thought RE5 is on 360 so it would be logical RE6 would be on NeXt MS, I would think that Nintendo's next console would have a very intuitive control scheme that would make zombie killing fun, but with RE and L4D noot representing them right now, hard to say if the games will come.)

9. Guitar Hero World Tour 2?
Probably should get WT1 first, but Microsoft, since I'll be getting it for 360, I want Live content and whatever will be compatable to remain that way.

Lastly. Activision/Blizzard
Winner: PC
Explaination. If I end up disapointed I can always go crawling back to who owns my soul, Blizzard. WoW, Diablo III, Starcraft 2 will be vying for the most of my time next year anyway and I'm sure will be that way in the years to come. WoW2 will be a reckoning.

SO in conclusion, I think I would obviously own both again, but in spirit of the question I think I would go with Microsoft.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

@Comrade: I doubt that. First of all, the numbers would probably be skewed due to fanboys voting for their favorite brand incessantly. Second, I disagree with your statement about sales not revealing people's feelings. Or rather, I'm confused by it. Are you implying that people are making purchases contrary to what they prefer?

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

LOL WII NI! Nani desukara!! LOL!

Thats so awesome they HAVE to do it!!!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself