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Forums - Sales Discussion - Star Ocean 4 or White Knight Chronicles?

I hope they both do well, but I'm definitely more hyped for White Knight Chronicles. That being said, I'll say White Knight Chronicles will do better and be better.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

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I think it's pretty much a given that WKC will outsell Star Ocean 4 (if it remains Xbox only) at least 2 to 1.
Japan and Europe will see huge WKC sales in my opinion as it is the game that many PS3 owners are waiting for and frankly, that first gameplay trailer released from the game back then still looks better than any JRPG gameplay i've seen so far this gen.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

WKC will sell better since Japans PS3 owners have been waiting for a game like this one

WKC will sell better since Japans PS3 owners have been waiting for a game like this one

el_rika said:
I think it's pretty much a given that WKC will outsell Star Ocean 4 (if it remains Xbox only) at least 2 to 1.
Japan and Europe will see huge WKC sales in my opinion as it is the game that many PS3 owners are waiting for and frankly, that first gameplay trailer released from the game back then still looks better than any JRPG gameplay i've seen so far this gen.

Why is there still an assumption that 360 owners don't care about JRPGs? Hasn't LO's sales told you people anything? Heck, for all we know, those JRPG loving PS2 owners could be going with the 360 instead of the PS3.


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It has to be mentioned that PS3 owners have been absolutely starved for JRPG and out of no where a huge one comes along so that will most definitely help WKC sales.


white knight

Star Ocean 4 by far

WKC will sell more (ps3 userbase bigger in japan and western 360 players not really interrested in rpg's) but star ocean 4 looks far better!

Tremble said:
WKC will sell more (ps3 userbase bigger in japan and western 360 players not really interrested in rpg's) but star ocean 4 looks far better!

Misconception.  WRPGs sell like hotcakes on the 360.  JRPGs haven't sold as well but LO was the only on that got decent marketing so no suprise.