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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What was the first Mario game you ever played?

Super Mario World.

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The one I remember is Super Mario World. I might have played Super Mario Bros. 1 at one point, but I can't remember.

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

goddog said:
super mario bro. with the supermario/duckhut cart...... god i hate that dog


My first console was the NES... it came with the Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt game, and my parents also bought me Adventures of Lolo.

So, the first Mario game was the first main Mario game ever created...

... and the first videogame I played on my NES was Adventures of Lolo... yes, I played Lolo before Mario, because I thought that the character looked very good... by the way, Adventures of Lolo is still a great game. Amazing.

They should do a WiiWare Lolo.

I think it was Super Mario World.

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Tecmo said:
original Super Mario on the NES

This back in the good old days, early 1990's I played it but it debuted in the mid 1980's.


Super Mario 64 in 2002.

donkey kong


Easy, Super Mario Bros. on the NES.

It made me a gaming addict for life...