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Forums - Sales Discussion - Come on then, guess the life time sales of the upcoming PS3 exclusives

All of those games would sell much better on Xbox 360. But oh well they are PS3 exclusive only at the moment. But I believe a couple of them could appear on the XBox 360 as the timed exclusivity of the game expires.

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"But I believe a couple of them could appear on the XBox 360"

Such as?

Heavy Rain - 800k

Infamous - 1.2 million

These two games are possible low selling games that could be ported to XBox 360.

Isn´t Infamous a Sony 1st party title?

numonex said:
All of those games would sell much better on Xbox 360. But oh well they are PS3 exclusive only at the moment. But I believe a couple of them could appear on the XBox 360 as the timed exclusivity of the game expires.


hurf durf


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numonex said:
Heavy Rain - 800k

Infamous - 1.2 million

These two games are possible low selling games that could be ported to XBox 360.



Heavy Rain, possible. Infamous, no.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

JGarret said:
Isn´t Infamous a Sony 1st party title?


Nope, Sucker Punch are 2nd party, Sony owns the IP though.

Sony funded Heavy Rain, for some strange reason I cant see that one going to the 360


WKC - 750k

Gran Turismo 5 - 8 millions

Heavy Rain - 1.5 million

Killzone 2 - 2.8 millions

God of War 3 - 2.7 millions

Gran Turismo 5 - 7 million

Killzone 2 - 2.5 million

Heavy Rain - 800k

Infamous - 800 K

White Knight Chronicles - 400k

Team ICO's next game - 600k

God Of War III - 2.5 million

Uncharted 2 - 2.5 million