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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - ZERO graphicall Powerhouses coming to Wii

Soriku said:



I agree. Monster Hunter 3 looks amazing, as The Conduit does. Better than a few PS360 games. But come on, look as the powerhouses for PS3, PC and X360. They totally pown the best Wii looking games :)

That's not what this topic is about. It is about the opinion of wii gamers about this business of having graphical wonderfullness in other platforms.

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Yet, I consider The Conduit better looking than Monster Hunter 3. MH is laking some good shadow work.

One_touch_KO said:
Soriku said:



I agree. Monster Hunter 3 looks amazing, as The Conduit does. Better than a few PS360 games. But come on, look as the powerhouses for PS3, PC and X360. They totally pown the best Wii looking games :)

That's not what this topic is about. It is about the opinion of wii gamers about this business of having graphical wonderfullness in other platforms.

You made a thread saying that there aren't any graphicall powerhouses coming to the Wii but when somebody prove you that there are you said that  the PS3/X360/PC ones pown  the Wii's ones.. I don't get it..


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Soriku said:


Actually we got a lot of vids during TGS. Search on YouTube. All of them were off screen vids so of course not the best quality =/

You're right about the videos and their quality. The lighting looks incredible. The water looks abysmal. Worse than Fable 2's water.

/thread (again)

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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ClaudeLv250 said:

/thread (again)


No, becuase the PS3/PC/X360's ones pown that

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LOL people you're getting pissed with me.

This: I love the Wii, is the best console EVER for me. I woudn't trade it for any console out there. Okay?

Buuuut, just compare those screenshots you just put here and compare to Killzone 2, Crysis and Alan Wake!!!! Of course they are powerhouses... for the WII!
Generally, they are average looking games considering what's out there.
Everyone got me?

Soriku said:
The water definitely isn't abysmal. It needs some work (the game was said to be 33% done at TGS so no worries) but most certainly isn't abysmal.


Maybe not abysmal, but my eyebrow most definitely rose when he was running on and treading the water.

And I think that the Fragile frame looks so stunningly beautiful because of flawless art direction more than technical achievements. I'm totally not bashing these games, merely giving credit where it's due.

One_touch_KO said:
LOL people you're getting pissed with me.

This: I love the Wii, is the best console EVER for me. I woudn't trade it for any console out there. Okay?

Buuuut, just compare those screenshots you just put here and compare to Killzone 2, Crysis and Alan Wake!!!! Of course they are powerhouses... for the WII!
Generally, they are average looking games considering what's out there.
Everyone got me?


Don't worry, i'm not getting pissed with you :P it's more fun that anything else, but i still don't get what's the point of making thread like this and when somebody show you one of the Wii's games you say that the PS3/PC/X360's ones pown the Wii's ones, because everybody know that

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Falcon095 said:
One_touch_KO said:
LOL people you're getting pissed with me.

This: I love the Wii, is the best console EVER for me. I woudn't trade it for any console out there. Okay?

Buuuut, just compare those screenshots you just put here and compare to Killzone 2, Crysis and Alan Wake!!!! Of course they are powerhouses... for the WII!
Generally, they are average looking games considering what's out there.
Everyone got me?


Don't worry, i'm not getting pissed with you :P it's more fun that anything else, but i still don't get what's the point of making thread like this and when somebody show you one of the Wii's games you say that the PS3/PC/X360's ones pown the Wii's ones, because everybody know that


Okay, so you agree that everybody knows that. Nice. The point of this thread is "You, Wii owner, mind about this?"

The tittle is just for fashion :P

There are the "graphicall powerhut bla bla" for other platforms so our beloved Wii has one too. ahah