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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - ZERO graphicall Powerhouses coming to Wii

I've seen this threads for all platforms, now Wii as one too! ROFL

Personally as a Wii owner I don't mind. Any platform there won't give me the same amazing experience I had with Zack and Wiki and what I will have with The Conduit (good looking, better than a few first-gen PS360 games IMO) Wii Sports Resort, next Zelda and whatever.


You, Wii owner, mind about this?


EDIT: Sorry my english, it is graphical no graphicaLL as it is in the title. LOL

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It doesn't bother me in the slightest.

What about The Conduit? If High Voltage Software, who made ''shovelware'' games to begin with, can prove that it is actually possible to make a good looking REALISTIC and fun Wii game, maybe other 3rd parties will jump in?

Only one can wish...!

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

axumblade said:
Wii Sports Resort only is a win if the Wave Racing is good. If it's not, then I give all hope up in the game.

Wanna bet with me it will sell a gazilion copies? 1:1 Sword Fight is a dream come true to every gamer. In WSR it is in a party way but we'll see some games using this as Red Steel 2 and the new Star Wars coming to Wii 2009!


What?! ZERO! Ok.. It's time to sell my Wii..

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doesnt bother me, as long as the games good

and i think this wont end well, just look at the "graphical powerhouses exclusive for 360" thread

Falcon095 said:
What?! ZERO! Ok.. It's time to sell my Wii..


I don't know about american eBay, but here in Europe, Wii's are sold at 400 bucks (same price as PS3) because the lack of Wii's in the stores. If you wanna sell it make it quick, before Nintendo ships more units and then the price drops!

One_touch_KO said:
Falcon095 said:
What?! ZERO! Ok.. It's time to sell my Wii..


I don't know about american eBay, but here in Europe, Wii's are sold at 400 bucks (same price as PS3) because the lack of Wii's in the stores. If you wanna sell it make it quick, before Nintendo ships more units and then the price drops!


Your sarcasm detector is broken :P

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

One_touch_KO said:
Falcon095 said:
What?! ZERO! Ok.. It's time to sell my Wii..


I don't know about american eBay, but here in Europe, Wii's are sold at 400 bucks (same price as PS3) because the lack of Wii's in the stores. If you wanna sell it make it quick, before Nintendo ships more units and then the price drops!


I think he was being sarcastic there.

And actually, I object to the threads title! Muramasa is one of the most gorgeous games I've ever seen. Sure, it's not built from a powerful engine, but its graphics are undoubtedly some of the most unique (and best) I've ever seen.

I prefer a good artistic direction to photorealism in games

So things like No More Heroes and Mario Galaxy have better visuals imo than any of the gritty, sepiatone shooters for PS360