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Forums - Sony Discussion - The lack of advertising of ps3

I dont't know about other countries but here in England i have seen not a single advert for a ps3 for at least 2 months. I mean come on its almost xmas and yesterday night i saw literally 3 wii adverts in the space of 2 minutes and have seen many 360 tr:U and netflix adverts. UK is poss the 3rd biggest market after us and japan and ps3 has not even got a single advert out there yet? I think this is quite a main factor  why 360 is outseliing ps3 in the uk.

Your thoughts?


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Sony are being stupid right now, not listening to their buyers and worrying the hell about this crysis. Tbh I have seen 1 PS3 advert on ITV for LBP.

Sony you really need to sort out your image.

oh yh i have seen lbp advert (one i think) but it was quite a while ago and there arent really any adverts just showing off the ps3s capabilities like xbox and netflix

Up here in Canada I've seen more PS3 ads over the past two weeks than I had since it launched. I had been seeing a lot of "If fun didn't matter...", and now a couple times a day I see the new one that starts with a guy doing some graffiti that turns into LBP, then R2, then Motorstorm shows up, and Dark Knight. Bad ass.

I've seen the whacky R2 one a fair number of times as well... where its random people making strange comments and then some little Asian kid at the end says "resist". Can't say I like that one very much though.

It's all about the game.

lol here in england i havent sen ANY of those, yet there are about 1-2 360 and 1 ish wii adverts per day

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My complaint isn't with the quantity of advertising so much as the quality of advertising. So many of the ads I've seen make sense only to those who already know about the games mentioned. To the uninformed consumer, those Sony is trying to target, they mean almost nothing.

I wouldn't mind never seeing the R2 one again to be honest lol, but the graffiti one is solid. Not sure if you've seen it ( Youtube quality sucks unfortunately, but looks great in HD.

I don't see any Wii ads (which I don't mind :P) but I see the new 360 ads once or twice a day...

It's all about the game.

I see quite a few here in the UK, however Sony should advertise their console and not just games (no-one will buy an expensive PS3 for 1 game )

I'm in the UK also and I've seen quite a few in the last 2 weeks. WWE, LittleBigPlanet and a couple of others, I think.

They do have them. But Sony have been liking ads before movies so I've heard lately as well.

Hmm, pie.

You have seen netflix adverts? funny I didn't think the service was available in the UK. ....