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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should Killzone 2 have a "Helghast" Mode?

one of my friends told me there is some mode, war something i think. its going to have capture the flag, team deatmatch, and kill the leader in one mode

wat suppose to happen is that they change it up, lets say u do team deathmatch first, the one with the most kills becomes the leader and you have to kill the other teams leader. i need to find out more about this mode, this is all i remember

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
kunaixhaku said:

It seems to be a trend going on with the top sellers to have a mode where waves and waves of enemies come at you and you and a couple of friends must take them on. Gears of War 2 started it, Call of Duty: World At War followed it and should Killzone 2 include it? I think so, would stretch out the lasting value of the game and make this top notch game even better.

Gears didn't start it.  It was also in every arcade game ever that I've ever seen.  Robotron, Smash TV, Geometry Wars, and everything in between.  Many games used to call levels or rounds "waves" for this same reason.


 well i don't believe none of those games had the same impact on the industry as horde mode O.o....i'm pretty sure gears 2 is what made that mode more mainstream.

kunaixhaku said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
kunaixhaku said:

It seems to be a trend going on with the top sellers to have a mode where waves and waves of enemies come at you and you and a couple of friends must take them on. Gears of War 2 started it, Call of Duty: World At War followed it and should Killzone 2 include it? I think so, would stretch out the lasting value of the game and make this top notch game even better.

Gears didn't start it.  It was also in every arcade game ever that I've ever seen.  Robotron, Smash TV, Geometry Wars, and everything in between.  Many games used to call levels or rounds "waves" for this same reason.

 well i don't believe none of those games had the same impact on the industry as horde mode O.o....i'm pretty sure gears 2 is what made that mode more mainstream.

Arcade games WERE the mainstream industry when they started this form of gameplay.  Have you been to an arcade?  Their job is take your money, so the vast majority of games take some of your coins and then give you "waves" of a "horde" of countless enemies and you last as long as you can and compete for a high score.

FPSrules said:
one of my friends told me there is some mode, war something i think. its going to have capture the flag, team deatmatch, and kill the leader in one mode

wat suppose to happen is that they change it up, lets say u do team deathmatch first, the one with the most kills becomes the leader and you have to kill the other teams leader. i need to find out more about this mode, this is all i remember


its warzone. its pretty much like the resistance online where you have a certain objective, then it changes to the next one once the time is done or its completed. So say its on CTF mode which is kinda like MGO with the ga-ko. You fight over it and try to take it to your base. Whatever teams has the most captures or is the first to get 3 that round wins a round point. Then it goes to the next round, while keeping the gameplay going so nothing resets. The next round could be the team that gets to 20 kills first, then assassinate the targert.

Also its not who has the most kills its a random selection.

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