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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kid Hangs Cat with Game Controller, Cops Blame GTA

It is common for people to blame the effect rather than the cause, that way they dont have to deal with the problem.

I dunno about the US, im sure its similar, but in the UK GTA is an 18 certificate game, not that it caused anyone to strangle cats, but people buying these games for 6yr olds is just another in the long list of effects caused by bad parenting.

Its the same old argument as Marylin Manson being at fault for kids gonig on killing sprees or Ozzy for people worshipping satan, and it has never had any credibility as a valid argument.

Personally i dont think there are many games out there that would have any effect on a child as long as they have a responsible adult to bring them up, unfortunatly, and will always be the case, a lot of parents out their buy things for their kids to keep them entertained long enough that the parent doesnt need to spend quality time with them, as they see bringing up their children as a chore.