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Forums - Gaming Discussion - mgs 5 might be coming to 360

the wii has the same power button too.

its too early to speculate which system.

even though this is like the 10th thread about this topic.



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AC!D for DSi makes most sense.

looks like i lied from a earlier dsi confrimed for other countries or just japan? Otherwise i would just say DS considering most people don't even know what DSi in other countries are

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soulsamurai said:
looks like i lied from a earlier dsi confrimed for other countries or just japan? Otherwise i would just say DS considering most people don't even know what DSi in other countries are

this is on their Japan web site no?  So posibility though I'd like to see MGS Online on the 360


well look at the sign if this was for iphone or dsi there wouldnt be the circle around it so 360 maybe but the question is what are they making for it. Its says a next metal gear? not the next metal gear...

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Multiplat....great stuff!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

It's a Metal Gear game for Zune and MGS1-3 for the 360 dipshits.

Worst case scenario, some fanboys will cry. Best case, more gamers will get to play. It's a win win situation I think.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

luisgvm said:

"A new flash site has just gone live on Konami's Kojima Productions website. The flash site is barebones, showing them Konami logo and the above image with text that reads "A Next Metal Gear Is..."

The text is green, so make of that what you will. Konami logo is directly below."

here is the link


maybe the will be multiplatform???


soulsamurai said:
meh i think its metal gear acid for the wii.

i = wii
! = Metal Gear AC!D
Power button = Power....

I think everyone fails to notice that the every single console has that power button its just the 360 is more prominent for notice because of the red ring. Take a look at your ps3 power button.....hell even your ps2. Take a look at the wii power button.

This seems to be the closest thing to making any sense of it. For ppl saying its a 360 symbol, its just a power symbol. Same symbol thats on all 3 consoles, shoot its on my pc and monitor as well. Since its a JP website i'd say it could be dsi as well.