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Forums - Gaming Discussion - mgs 5 might be coming to 360

"A new flash site has just gone live on Konami's Kojima Productions website. The flash site is barebones, showing them Konami logo and the above image with text that reads "A Next Metal Gear Is..."

The text is green, so make of that what you will. Konami logo is directly below."

here is the link

maybe the will be multiplatform???

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This thread will be interesting.

war has indeed changed

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I wouldn't be suprised if it were, but why exactly does it suggest it's for the 360? I can't see any connection. Even the colour, which is what most people are too, is off. If the background was white/grey, rather than black, maybe you'd have something.

At any rate, looks more like a hint towards the iPhone to me.

It does resemble the 360 power logo like my avatar's t-shirt... but maybe it's trying to show multiplatform?

Around the Network

iPhone verson would piss people off I think... I don't see that audience particularly taking the MGS story in.

When it rains, it pours.

This could just mean there is a new Metal Gear out, not necessarily a system, but I know that'll fall on deaf ears.

for all we know it could be a DSi title

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
Cueil said:
It does resemble the 360 power logo like my avatar's t-shirt... but maybe it's trying to show multiplatform?


 thats what i think, if i am correct the ps3 power button its just like that, and the 360 power button too. maybe it will be multi..

meh i think its metal gear acid for the wii.

i = wii
! = Metal Gear AC!D
Power button = Power....

I think everyone fails to notice that the every single console has that power button its just the 360 is more prominent for notice because of the red ring. Take a look at your ps3 power button.....hell even your ps2. Take a look at the wii power button.

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