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Forums - Gaming Discussion - just enjoy your console..

Wetcoaster said:
The_God_of_War said:
How do you have zero posts?

Easy. Creating a thread doesn't count as a post.



O.o? Why not?

Is this really true?

This is invisible text!

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Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Killergran said:
Wetcoaster said:
The_God_of_War said:
How do you have zero posts?

Easy. Creating a thread doesn't count as a post.



O.o? Why not?

Is this really true?

I don't know why but yeah, it's true. Try it sometime. ;)


you can debate in fact is a good thing but do it in a way that doesnt have to be insultive

midwinter said:

The PS2 sucks. I'm sorry you got it.  JUST JOKING

Welcome to the boards!



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Welcome and good point. I used to be against the PS3 because of its price and few games but after I got one, I love it. Or it could be because they lowered the price and are releasing good games. lol

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Welcome, bro. I see your point. But I have discovered that rubbing facts on other gamers faces about they not having as much fun as I am because they have chosen the loser console instead of the Wiinner one increases my gaming enjoyment. And you probably noticed the living hell the HD fanboys are going through because neither Microsoft nor Sony are making any profit at all. That means that gaming will become more NintendoWii-like, and of course more profitable. Like any business should be. "The end of gaming as we know it" they say. And that kind of apocaliptical/anti-christ hate towards the revolution created by Iwata and Miyamoto, my friend, is very, very funny to watch.

PS: Excuse me for my english, too.

luisgvm said:

hi all i have just create my acount but i have been visiting this page for some time and i think you guys should stop arguing about wich console is better you should be happy that you all can afford a next-gen console i live in venezuela and the ps3 cost 1.600 $ the 360 cost like 1.000 $ my mother cant buy me any console because they are to expensive there are people in the world that cant afford to buy a console and some of you can buy more than one¡¡¡ when my mother bought me the ps2 she told me thats gonna cost you like four christmas so you guys should be happy that you can play all these great games and stop fighting you have to be objective and imparcial wich each console because all of them are great. just enjoy and sorry for the bad english i am still learning.



No 3rd gen console for you!



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