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Forums - Sales Discussion - Congratulations Wii Music and LittleBigPlanet

@ FishyJoe

Extremely true, but neither of these titles show any sign of extreme slowing.

It is a mild accomplishment to the few people that thought these titles wouldn't move even a million.

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Just goes to show that the Wii with it's masses of casuals and motion controller can sell even the most simple of games with no skill needed at exceptional sales levels. Me, on the other hand, will never play the game. Quite frankly a button masher game that I can never miss a note seems kind of "Fisher Price 3 note Piano"-esque.

nightsurge said:
Just goes to show that the Wii with it's masses of casuals and motion controller can sell even the most simple of games with no skill needed at exceptional sales levels. Me, on the other hand, will never play the game. Quite frankly a button masher game that I can never miss a note seems kind of "Fisher Price 3 note Piano"-esque.



Too bad that's not Wii Music. It's more of a game of creating arrangements on the fly of existing songs. It's tougher than it implies. It can take hours of work to make a song sound good.


Anyways, good for both games. Shows that creative and innovative games that emphasise creativity can succeed. 

FishyJoe said:
A million in sales isn't a huge accomplishment anymore. I'm not saying it's horrible sales, but it's not all that impressive. Five million, big deal. One million, not so much.

...That says more about the state of the industry than I would have thought.

It's a good thing though, isn't it?

And here comes the bitter tears.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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It's ok, the official title of the PSP LBP game is LBP: The Bloodening - hardcorex

Well done to both of the games, I shall be buying one of you soon, and one of you when I have the money for a PS3

WiiStation360 said:
Wait, I thought they both bombed??

Good sales for both. Both should sell well for a long time.


 LBP sold over 600,000 week 1. Remeber this site counted week 1 before the game was released. So for it's accurate details, combine week 1 and 2. For it's age, take 1 week off of what this site says.

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.

Congratz to both.