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Forums - Sales Discussion - November Xbox sales "biggest in its history"

I'm about to start handing out time outs.

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Shadowblind said:
DMeisterJ said:
Shadowblind said:

Either you JUST came on the internet this year, or your bad at lying. In 2006, it was called the year of the 360. PS3 fanboys troller around the idea that Gears of War one was the peak, the best, the 360 could ever accomplish, and they pointed to an article stating that Gears 1 was the limit.

Fast forward about 6 months. 360 gets much even better sales then the previous year. We have fanboy fanaticands stating that this is the best the 360 will ever do, because from there its all downhill as the new PS3 price cut will take away sales from 360 and leave it to die. This is 2007 and early 2008.

Fast forward 2008. Fanboys aggresively stating, once again, the 360 has reached its peak, its only downhill from here, trolltrolltroll blahblahblah. Look at your post. Enough said.

You can deny it, hate it, cry for it, but like it or not, the 360 isn't gonna let up steam. The 360 will continue to push the expectations as long as it exists. You can quote me on that.

Exactly. Fanboys.  Since we do we take what fanboys say as law?  That's your source?  Fail.

My post is backed up by TheSource.  Your post is backed up by "fanboys".  Mine holds a hell of a lot more stock than yours does. 

I won't deny, cry, hate, or not like it.  I really don't give a flying fuck whether it's the peak year or not.  Cause no matter how good or bad Microsoft does this year, it doesn't personally affect me, but I'd say different for you.  >_>  I'm simply stating what our analyst said about sales and what happens.  If you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with TheSource or get over it.  Since it isn't that serious.

Huh? If what your saying it true, then these PS3 fanboys which you discredit so much are saying the exact same thing as TheSource. They both say "The 360 has reached its peak year in 2008", despite fanboys  also saying the same thing for every year the 360 has been on the market. I understand where you get this whole "3 year cycle" stuff from, but as you have seen, this genreation isn't like many others before it. Games don't make a winner this time around.

Analysts make PREDICTIONS. PREDICTIONS, thus they don't know for certain what is going to happen. They make predictions based off of passed trends, and trends thus far have only shown the 360 rising. TheSource as credible as he may be, can't tell you future, as neither me nor you can. And as far as past trends go, this generation had continuously gotten larger and larger sales YoY. I expect 360 to break 1 mil for Black Friday week next week, and "past trends" have led me to that prediction.

Thus, I predict 360 will sell even greater next year then 2008. Past trends are the only source I can use.

I really don't give a fuck what you predict.

I don't care what analysts do.

I simply stated what our analyst said about sales and about year 3 being peak. 

You didn't like it and tried to call me out.  And got all crazy over game sales.

I really don't care.  I simply made a statement backed up by history and that was it.  If you don't like what I said, then don't like it, but don't go all crazy because it's not all roses and sunshine.  >_>  Maybe this is peak year, maybe it isn't who knows. 

We'll see in a year.


Just Read FishyJoe's comment: Don't ban me!  D:

DMeisterJ said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
DMeisterJ said:

Exactly. Fanboys.  Since we do we take what fanboys say as law?  That's your source?  Fail.

My post is backed up by TheSource.  Your post is backed up by "fanboys".  Mine holds a hell of a lot more stock than yours does. 

I won't deny, cry, hate, or not like it.  I really don't give a flying fuck whether it's the peak year or not.  Cause no matter how good or bad Microsoft does this year, it doesn't personally affect me, but I'd say different for you.  >_>  I'm simply stating what our analyst said about sales and what happens.  If you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with TheSource or get over it.  Since it isn't that serious.

Well, that's not exactly true. TheSource has not said "2008 will be the peak year of the 360", he made a general statement about previous events. You are inferring from TheSource's statement about past sales that 2008 will be the peak year of the 360. In other words, you are saying "what once happened, will happen again" which is not what TheSource said. Unless he made such an statement within the context of a thread about the peak year of the 360 or the 2009 360 sales compared to 2008 sales.

I didn't say "Source said this year is 360's peak".  I said that he said that year 3 is generally the peak.  This is 360's 3rd year, so that statement applies.  Of course it could pull a DS, but last I checked, it's not selling anywhere near that, or the Wii.  So the chances of that are slim to none. 

Who knows what will happen.  I'm no analyst so I could easily be wrong.  I'm not saying that I'm right, but I do have a great deal of histor with most consoles following this trend. 

We'll see come 12/31/09.


No, either I didn't explain myself properly or you didn't understand. The leap from "generally speaking, a console's third year is it's peak" to "such statement will hold true for the 360" is not TheSource's, its yours. Your statement isn't backed by TheSource, is based on TheSource's research into past sales history.

So he isn't challenging TheSource's opinions and statements, but yours. Hence why he should take this to you, not him and why you should give a reason why you believe events will unfold in such a way when questioned about it beyond just calling upon TheSource's authority to back your own opinion.

edit: splitting hairs, I know...

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Eh, DMJ is, for the most part, right.

The 3rd year is usually the year that sees cresting in terms of market demand.

However, what remains to be told is how slowly a given console drops after the 3rd year.

In the Playstation 2's case, it saw ~18 million units sold through in 03, ~15 million in 04, ~17 million in 05, ~12 million in 08, and another ~16 million since 07.

That's another 333% more units sold after it's 'crest' year.

Now, I must ask: If the X360 crests at 11-12 million units sold through...How would selling an additional 36-40 million Xbox 360's be a bad thing?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Eh, DMJ is, for the most part, right.

The 3rd year is usually the year that sees cresting in terms of market demand.

However, what remains to be told is how slowly a given console drops after the 3rd year.

In the Playstation 2's case, it saw ~18 million units sold through in 03, ~15 million in 04, ~17 million in 05, ~12 million in 08, and another ~16 million since 07.

That's another 333% more units sold after it's 'crest' year.

Now, I must ask: If the X360 crests at 11-12 million units sold through...How would selling an additional 36-40 million Xbox 360's be a bad thing?

It wouldn't.

I know you didn't say that, but I never said that sales would fall off the dark side of the moon after year 3.  I simply stated sales will not be any higher than this year.  People seem to get too testy when you say something nowadays. 

But we shouldn't discuss this anymore, FishyJoe might ban you.