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Forums - Gaming Discussion - You dont have to mention Wii everytime someone talks about PS3 vs 360!

stof said:
I agree. Some people will go out of their way to explain that they're starting a thread about the 360 vs the PS3, and people will say

I know you said 360 vs PS3 only, but that's silly because the Wii is selling more.

Let it go guys. It's ok to want to talk about just those two consoles sometimes.


She used to have a carefree mind of her own and a delicate look in her eyes.

These days, I don't even know if she's not even sure if her name is Veronica.

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rocketpig said:
stof said:
I agree. Some people will go out of their way to explain that they're starting a thread about the 360 vs the PS3, and people will say

I know you said 360 vs PS3 only, but that's silly because the Wii is selling more.

Let it go guys. It's ok to want to talk about just those two consoles sometimes.


She used to have a carefree mind of her own and a delicate look in her eyes.

These days, I don't even know if she's not even sure if her name is Veronica.




Hahah , someone googled.

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If you should ever leave me, though life would go on believe me, the world could nothing to me.

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Clearly you haven't been paying attention. Yamaha were a clear first with Ducati a clear second and Honda third. Suzuki are no where and have been for quite a while. Moto gp 08


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

Around the Network

If you could say that a lot of PS3 sales don't count because they're used for a Blu Ray player, does that mean you could say the same thing about the Wii as some are likely to be used as just an exercise machine?


scottie said:
Stop using incorrect wording and we will stop calling you on it.

Win implies first, not second



Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

The Xbox 360 is winning though, don't you guys see it?


llewdebkram said:
I propose that every time PS3 vs Xbox360 sales are discussed the thread is started with:

'Wii is obviously the best and is going to win agianst the inferior PS3 and Xbox360 consoles.'

The everyone will instantly know the thread is only about the 2 'lesser' and 'minor' placed consoles.



cept that the consoles themselves are in every possible way superior ... way superior.

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
llewdebkram said:
I propose that every time PS3 vs Xbox360 sales are discussed the thread is started with:

'Wii is obviously the best and is going to win agianst the inferior PS3 and Xbox360 consoles.'

The everyone will instantly know the thread is only about the 2 'lesser' and 'minor' placed consoles.



cept that the consoles themselves are in every possible way superior ... way superior.


 Oh, so does that make the PC Mother Superior or Super Superior?

720p lol

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