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Forums - Sales Discussion - If PS3 dropped to 299.99 early next year.....

Toinuss67 said:

I talked to a Sony representative yesterday in a big store here in France. He confirmed me that it is very likely that Sony will release a PS3/Killzone2 pack in February (game sheduled for the 02.23 in the USA, 02.28 in Europe) for 299€. But he told me that they kept this information secret because it would affect the sales for this christmas, so I should not speak about it actually ^^


So let me get this strait,  a sony Rep just decided to give you some killer info that they refuse to give to anyone else.  Nice,  maybe you could also find out what tomarrows lotto numbers are and who wins this weeks football games so I can make a few wagers.  Thanks.


"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




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Not so much "if" but "when".

tuoyo said:
RayRay102 said:

elite: $299.99 with increased HD space of 200-250 GB. That way it matches the premium price of the PS3 while having the HD space to justify its premium price.


I don't see how that is a counter at all.  It will be the same price as a PS3 which has blu ray so PS3 would be by far the better value for money.  I am yet to see the benefit of having a substantial hard drive in 360.  Unlike the PS3 it is not as if you can just transfer your media files on to it (thank goodness i did not make the mistake of getting an elite instead of premium).  Only use is for people who download HD movies alot but those who would download over 120gb of movies are a very limited bunch (if such a bunch even exists). 


Since NXE we have had the ability to install games to the hard drive so that does give a little use to the bigger hard drive.  I don't see the need for a larger hard drive however, there are only so many games you need to install at the same time.


I would imagine instead of trying to cut the price by a lot M$ would actually make a small cut and then start bundling some good games with the console.  Like Halo3 or Gears.  This would give it a better draw than just a simple price cut, IMO.  Either way I wouldn't expect a knee jerk responce from M$.  They probably already have a plan ready for when the time comes.


"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




RayRay102 said:

What time frame should Microsoft counter with their own price drop and by how much?

I am thinking the right and smart decision is to wait about one month and see how much of an impact the immenant PS3 price deduction will have. I think the perfect price cut in either early summer or late summer should be as follows if Microsoft were to make such a cut:

elite: $299.99 with increased HD space of 200-250 GB. That way it matches the premium price of the PS3 while having the HD space to justify its premium price.

pro: $229.99 with same specs.

arcade: $169.00 with same specs.

I think if Microsoft stick with my suggested price-cut, along with a couple of huge unanounced new AAA games along with a semi-megaton announement (they seems to have one at every E3 from GTA4 to FFVIII), then I don't see no reason why they shouldn't be able to maintain or increase their lead next year over Sony.


Your suggested price of the Pro & Arcade model will probably not be possible until MS merges the CPU & GPU onto a single chip (possibly leading to a slim model to reduce shipping costs).  This probably won't happen until the end of 2009 but if MS is confident that the transition will occur smoothly and is willing to eat the short-term losses then MS might drop the price early to prevent the PS3 from gaining momentum.  The $60 price difference between the Arcade and Pro is also reasonable since this would be close to the difference in profit (or loss) margins of these 2 SKUs (although I expect MS would want to make a bit more profit on each Pro SKU).

Increasing the size of the Elite's HDD would probably cost < $10/unit and is potentially a good selliing poing against the PS3 (although people looking to buy this model will probably be comparing the PS3 vs the X360 and not the HDD sizes).  Currently the Elite is a horrible value unless you really need the extra HDD space immediately or you really value the colour of the console.  So I agree it needs the largest price drop and some extra value.

Personally I think that MS will only drop the price after Sony makes a move but they will probably wait until October 2009.  If Sony doesn't drop its price next year (which is extremely unlikely) then MS might wait until after the transition to an integrated CPU/GPU (so around Spring 2010).  Also they may not make cuts quite as deep (i.e. $179/$249$/$299).


Ah March that historically critical shopping period !

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I see no reason why MS wouldn't make another price cut. Manufacturing is only going to get cheaper and with the success of this holiday season I think the price cut will come again in September 2009.

They are already the cheapest console now. What would a price drop accomplish? MS will not drop price again for another year. Probably a $50 drop for next Christmas.

The cheapest 360 will still be 1/2 the cost of a PS3 at that time. ($150 arcade vs $300 PS3)

If the PS3 drops to $299 in March (highly unlikely $349 sound more realistic) all Microsoft would have to do to counter is add a 20GB hard drive to arcade models and leave them at the $199 price point as for the Pro/Premium and Elite model MS may drop the price but not as drastic. I think MS is already leaning this way after saying newer Arcade models will have 256 MB internal storage. I predict by the end of 2009 Arcade models will have hard drives.

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In my local store in the Netherlands, you can get PS3+LBP+Resistance 2+ extra xontroller for 350 euro.

So that's practically 300 euro if you take away one of the games.


Kantor said:
RayRay102 said:

What time frame should Microsoft counter with their own price drop and by how much?

I am thinking the right and smart decision is to wait about one month and see how much of an impact the immenant PS3 price deduction will have. I think the perfect price cut in either early summer or late summer should be as follows if Microsoft were to make such a cut:

elite: $299.99 with increased HD space of 200-250 GB. That way it matches the premium price of the PS3 while having the HD space to justify its premium price.

pro: $229.99 with same specs.

arcade: $169.00 with same specs.

I think if Microsoft stick with my suggested price-cut, along with a couple of huge unanounced new AAA games along with a semi-megaton announement (they seems to have one at every E3 from GTA4 to FFVIII), then I don't see no reason why they shouldn't be able to maintain or increase their lead next year over Sony.


I think that will drive Microsoft bankrupt, especially the 300 buck Elite. This will certainly get them a loss on each console sold.

I think their best bet would be to cut the pro and elite by around 30 bucks each, and keep the Arcade the same. It's reached the magic price.


You probably haven't seen any of Microsoft's recent quarterly earnings reports, but suffice it to say, if MS sold the 360 Elite at $100 a unit, they wouldn't go bankrupt. Infact, if they sold 50 million of them, at $100 a pop over the next year, they wouldn't go bankrupt.


I would say if the PS3 was dropped to $300 though, Microsoft would have to drop the Elite to 300 to counter.