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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - EA announces Nascar Kart Racing for the Wii! Yippie!!

patjuan32 said:
Guys, EA is just looking at the NPD results of Nintendo developed games and are following in their footsteps. They are not making creative games nor are they trying to develop games that fill in the genres that are not developed by Nintendo or other third parties.

MySims is more related to Animal Crossing than The Sims, a game that is already a hit with casual and core PC gamers.

EA is developing EA Fitness because Wii Fit has been a Megaton Seller.

Now they are developing Nascar Kart which is a Mario Kart clone. Everyone already knows how well Mario Kart is selling.

Geez, I wonder what EA is going to copy next? I honestly hope their strategy fails. They only see the Wii as a revenue stream. Instead of a gaming console. This is why the HD consoles receive more investment than the Wii. EA just needs to invest in the Wii and look for original titles or treat the Wii as a gaming console like the Xbox 360 and PS3. The Wii gamers like myself would not mind a Command and Conquer game on the Wii in SD nor would we be disappointed with a SD version of Dead Space. But unfortunately, EA is not willing to try. They'd rather clone all of Nintendo's games and make money than put forth any kind of effort.

EA's executives need to be fired. A kid could have come up with the copy what Nintendo is doing strategy.

I agree; It's what The Reginator was talking about. Sega is at least willing to dip their toes into an uncharted genre, but even they are a bit timid about it. Companies want safe bets, when your job is to make your company profitable, you're going to find the easiest way to do that. ESPECIALLY when you're a large company.

...I agree it's sad, but this is why I'm hoping Sega's gamble pays off, matter of fact I think Nintendo's hoping too. =p


The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Around the Network

Folks, I am of two minds of this one.

Kart racing is an accepted genre -- so not letting anyone else do it would be foolish. EA has a valuable license and a console to put something on it (since the regular game would receive negative complaints).

I think the sky looks good, the water is OK (we've talked about Wii screen caps before) but the trees are just bad.

A lot will depend on gameplay. It could be good. It could be horrid.

And don't get me started about the NASCAR bashing. It almost takes an engineering degree to know how to set up or even drive a car. (Speaking of which, I am surprised that E-Sad was in there and not Purdue engineering grad Ryan Newman). Plus, NASCAR considers a down crowd to be 150,000. How many football matches (soccer or North American) draw that -- with tix averaging $75 each?

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


First day buy for me :D

Taking on Mario Karts is like the babe that went to Mike Tyson hotel room at 3:00AM.
You can do it if you really want to but don't come crying to me when you get f**ked.

sega4life said:

Somewhere a redneck, wearing a dirty wife beater, Miami Dolphin sweat pants, one flip flop, standing in front of a fuzzy TV, is shedding a tear...


LMFAO,  I just got a mental image of that, hilarious!

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

Around the Network

Goodness, what is wrong with you people? EA is making a Mario Kart knockoff. Why is this sudden or surprising?

Need for Speed is and always has been a derivative racer. It's a generic, "bad ass" version of Gran Turismo.
Medal of Honor is a third string shooter modeled after every other FPS.
Madden has been iterated so endlessly it should make anyone sick, let alone all of their other yearly sports franchises.

What are you expecting from EA? Practically everything they do is highly derivative. They see what the best developers do, and then they copy them. Why is it frustrating that they're doing the same thing here?

What's more amazing to me is that it took them this long to copy a game like Mario Kart that's sold nearly 25 million copies over the Wii/DS in the last 5 years.">">

mike_intellivision said:
Folks, I am of two minds of this one.

Kart racing is an accepted genre -- so not letting anyone else do it would be foolish. EA has a valuable license and a console to put something on it (since the regular game would receive negative complaints).

I think the sky looks good, the water is OK (we've talked about Wii screen caps before) but the trees are just bad.

A lot will depend on gameplay. It could be good. It could be horrid.

And don't get me started about the NASCAR bashing. It almost takes an engineering degree to know how to set up or even drive a car. (Speaking of which, I am surprised that E-Sad was in there and not Purdue engineering grad Ryan Newman). Plus, NASCAR considers a down crowd to be 150,000. How many football matches (soccer or North American) draw that -- with tix averaging $75 each?

Mike from Morgantown

Mike, no one is bashing EA for making a kart racer. We are bashing EA for making a Mario Kart clone. They could have come up with an original kart racer that offered different gameplay. However this game even uses Items similar to Mario Kart, they just changed the names.



EA is not taking the safe route on the HD consoles. Mirror's Edge, Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth, a RTS game developed for a gamepad, Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, another RTS game developed for a gamepad, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, another RTS game developed for a gamepad, Dead Spce, and The Lord of the Rings: Conquest. All of these games are expensive to develop and no Wii game, developed by EA, even comes close to matching the development resources or the polish of those games.

EA is looking to spend as little money on the develpment of Wii games as possible to make the most on their return.


If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


patjuan32 said:
Guys, EA is just looking at the NPD results of Nintendo developed games and are following in their footsteps. They are not making creative games nor are they trying to develop games that fill in the genres that are not developed by Nintendo or other third parties.

MySims is more related to Animal Crossing than The Sims, a game that is already a hit with casual and core PC gamers.

EA is developing EA Fitness because Wii Fit has been a Megaton Seller.

Now they are developing Nascar Kart which is a Mario Kart clone. Everyone already knows how well Mario Kart is selling.

Geez, I wonder what EA is going to copy next? I honestly hope their strategy fails. They only see the Wii as a revenue stream. Instead of a gaming console. This is why the HD consoles receive more investment than the Wii. EA just needs to invest in the Wii and look for original titles or treat the Wii as a gaming console like the Xbox 360 and PS3. The Wii gamers like myself would not mind a Command and Conquer game on the Wii in SD nor would we be disappointed with a SD version of Dead Space. But unfortunately, EA is not willing to try. They'd rather clone all of Nintendo's games and make money than put forth any kind of effort.

EA's executives need to be fired. A kid could have come up with the copy what Nintendo is doing strategy.

Now why should EA execs be fired? I bet this game will bring them a nice profit. They made a nice profit with mysims and most likely they will get at least some money from EA fit.

SD-versions of C&C and Dead space might not bring profit to the table, so those titles aren't coming.



Thanks, that feeling is mutual.


@Esa-Petteri: You never get tired of trolling on Wii threads don't you?

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tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

trestres said:
@Esa-Petteri: You never get tired of trolling on Wii threads don't you?

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