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Forums - Sales Discussion - Can the 360 reach 20 million in America before the PS3 reachs 10 million?

I think it will be close, with a possibility of each of those getting to their limit within a month of the other.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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SMcc1887 said:
selnor said:
Pristine20 said:
Tyrannical said:
I don't see major games like Killzone 2 doing any better then the other major games like Resistance FoM 2 or SOCOM. They may sell decent to PS3 owners, but I doubt it will drive someone to buy a PS3 to play it.

If the 360 outsells the PS3 by over 2-1 this holiday, I'd expect to start seeing 3rd party PS3 cancellations.

ookay? they'll ignore 42% of the HD console base...very unlikely with current dev costs. You're implying that games like cod6 will skip the ps3? Yeah right.




Maybe not Cod 6. But certain devs may find it more plausible to do 360 exclusives why? The 360 dev time is far shorter. They can begin making their next game alot sooner. 360 software sales are much much better on average, so spending extra money to dev the game on PS3 with more time needed for instance will likely not make the company extra money. But not doing it would make them extra money in the long run because they could prob dev 3 games in the same time as 2. With the gap increasing more 360 games will be bought than ever before.

So Devs will cut their game off from 20M people? No.



Thats not how business works. It's likely PS3 will add a year dev time. So it costs more to make. PS3 software doesnt sell great so it likely may not be financially any better. You see the extra sales the PS3 version would do, are probably lost in the extra 12 months dev time.


seece said:
Pristine20 said:
Tyrannical said:
I don't see major games like Killzone 2 doing any better then the other major games like Resistance FoM 2 or SOCOM. They may sell decent to PS3 owners, but I doubt it will drive someone to buy a PS3 to play it.

If the 360 outsells the PS3 by over 2-1 this holiday, I'd expect to start seeing 3rd party PS3 cancellations.

ookay? they'll ignore 42% of the HD console base...very unlikely with current dev costs. You're implying that games like cod6 will skip the ps3? Yeah right.



I agree, the PS3 isn't going to lose any third party support.


You'd think not... certainlly no CoD will miss it, but small devs may not have the resources to port a game over... they can do a relatively easy port from PC to 360 and vise vera, but PS3 port requires a whole new level of programing... I'm guessing that most big devs have Cell specialist that help get their games working to their best on the PS3

it will be close, but anything can happen. and 2009 is good year for MS too.