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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN's preview of Killzone 2.

some of the things they mentioned(more personality in the helghast????)are a little ridiculous. but it was meant to help GG.none of the things arent really that bad anyway.



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The one thing that gets me is that these are hardly "quick fixes".

I still expect no lower than a 9.5 rating for the game, and quite possibly a higher rating.

Afterall, they gave Resistance 2 a 9.5. It's a really good game, but not 9.5 worthy.

well if thats all they could find wrong with K2 then its goina be a fantastic game.

@ Jackson

Of course.

Idiotic criticism shouldn't though.

isn't the point of the article entirely as to what things need top be fixed? Rather then an all-out preview?

IGN US (Jeff Haynes I think) loved the game in his preview, this IGN AU for the record. (not saying that IGN AU doesn't count, just pointing it out.

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DMeisterJ said:
@ Jackson

Of course.

Idiotic criticism shouldn't though.


I do not consider it idiotic. The article criticizes the game in a constructive manner. If it is attempting to improve the final product, and it is, it should be welcomed

What's wrong with criticism? Have you played the single player portion? These things have me worried.

The shotgun in question:

makingmusic476 said:
The shotgun in question:

That looks way too sweet to be a .gif


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ariclim4 said:
makingmusic476 said:
The shotgun in question:

That looks way too sweet to be a .gif



are they nuts?! thats sick.

i wonder what they will say about the conduit midi gun sounds O_o