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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So when is Blinx 3 going to show up?

And what are the chances its developed by RARE?


I loved the first two and I could see Blinx 3 working in like with the casual gaming side of things M$ is pushing.


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Artoon is the developer, so I'm not sure who owns the IP

there is a complete 0% chance.i dont think microsoft will even consider another sequel.



Microsoft own the IP and why not Damstr8?


the first one was a failure and the second one of the biggest bombs in xbox history could be part of his assumption. The game was 20 bucks within its first week.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

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I wasn't aware of the games failure, that said I think the 360 would be a better platform to launch a game like that rather than the original Xbox which really was a shooter console.


Well MS doesn't own Artoon so I have no idea if they own the property or Artoon does. All I know is MS published the two titles. So whether or not they are obligated to put it on 360 if it ever arose is in question. However, I would think that MS would have put some form of a stake in the property but not guaranteed.

Anyways chance of us seeing Blinx 3 is about 50/50. Currently Artoon is working on a Wii game called Spawn Smasher so if they were working on a third one it would be awhile before it comes out. But given MS's sense of urgency to try and tap into a market that Ninty and Sony already have, I'd say MS would want to make this happen.

There was a second Blinx game!? Meh, learn something new everyday.

blinx 2 was actually pretty good if you can ignore the annoying hints. a third game wouldnt be viable on 360 because so far even the likes of banjo havent been so well taken.

Note: Some games in my collection are no longer owned, but have owned.

M$ does own Blinx: