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Forums - Sony Discussion - 12 HD Killzone 2 Single Player mode videos!!!

Lol christmas 09.


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Hyams said:
Jackson50 said:
The graphics are impressive, but the gameplay is not, in my opinion, as appealing.

What exactly don't you like the look of in the gameplay? It all looks fine to me. It looks COD-ish, which is no bad thing, with a first-person cover system.

It does look similar CoD 4. The difference, however, was recently touched upon in IGN's preview. IGN said, and I am paraphrasing, that KZ2 is CoD 4 on steroids...beefy yet sluggish. After watching the videos, that seems like an apt description. Nevertheless, if that does not bother you, then I pray you thoroughly enjoy this game.


Jackson50 said:

that KZ2 is CoD 4 on steroids...beefy yet sluggish.

So you mean KZ2 is Killzone and not CoD4...


Griffin said:So you mean KZ2 is Killzone and not CoD4...

I never claimed KZ2 was CoD 4. He said it looked like CoD 4. I responded by paraphrasing IGN's comparison of the two games.


Jackson50 said:
Hyams said:
Jackson50 said:
The graphics are impressive, but the gameplay is not, in my opinion, as appealing.

What exactly don't you like the look of in the gameplay? It all looks fine to me. It looks COD-ish, which is no bad thing, with a first-person cover system.

It does look similar CoD 4. The difference, however, was recently touched upon in IGN's preview. IGN said, and I am paraphrasing, that KZ2 is CoD 4 on steroids...beefy yet sluggish. After watching the videos, that seems like an apt description. Nevertheless, if that does not bother you, then I pray you thoroughly enjoy this game.


They are talking about the weight in the character's movement. Basing it off the beta, it feels very similar to a 1st person version of Gears Of War, which I think is awesome. Unlike R2 and UT (where the characters move fast and almost like robots), KZ2's controls and movements are much more realistic, it makes for a more strategy/tactical based gameplay style. So if anyone is expecting a twitch shooter where the player could jump into firefights and kill everyone with speed alone, they're going to be dissapointed.


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Jackson50 said:
Hyams said:
Jackson50 said:
The graphics are impressive, but the gameplay is not, in my opinion, as appealing.

What exactly don't you like the look of in the gameplay? It all looks fine to me. It looks COD-ish, which is no bad thing, with a first-person cover system.

It does look similar CoD 4. The difference, however, was recently touched upon in IGN's preview. IGN said, and I am paraphrasing, that KZ2 is CoD 4 on steroids...beefy yet sluggish. After watching the videos, that seems like an apt description. Nevertheless, if that does not bother you, then I pray you thoroughly enjoy this game.



 I'm thinking if they want to go for realism, Killzone 2 has to be more sluggish and slow than COD4 which is anything but a realistic game.

Reality is much more sluggish and frankly, Killzone 2, based on those vids, captures the flow better.

"You have the right to the remains of a silent attorney"

the movement in KZ2 is just like gear of war 2,,,sluggish yet realistic and enjoyable .

I don't want this game to be another R2/UT3.If anyone likes fast paced shooting they should try R2/UT3/halo and not KZ2/gears of war




Well, that looked ridiculous. This game never ceases to amaze me when it comes to graphics. The gameplay seems good, I enjoyed COD4 so I'm sure I'll enjoy this. February can't come any sooner. KZ2 (and SFIV) will make February a memorable month of 2009 for me.

I could probably take a nap faster than these videos download

el_rika said:I'm thinking if they want to go for realism, Killzone 2 has to be more sluggish and slow than COD4 which is anything but a realistic game.

Reality is much more sluggish and frankly, Killzone 2, based on those vids, captures the flow better.

I agree the slower movement is more realistic. I would glady accept this if other aspects were more realistic-as in Gears. In one of the videos, a helghast dies because he gets shot by a sniper rifle in the foot...that seems slightly unrealistic to me.