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Forums - Sony Discussion - Is GT5: Prologue suppose to be user-friendly difficulty?


Why are you coming in this thread and changing the subject up and accusing people that they are saying negative things.

He came in and said it simple, wall bouncing is easy to get ahead in GT games. So he might had said it in a negative way but his info is true.

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In the later stages you cannot go off the track, hit other cars or hit the walls without receiving time penalties. And in the track you are having a problem with i think these are all in affect to some degree. Just remember to drift and be aggressive, i also think they changed it to allow some small bumps from behind and from the sides in that level, because it was too hard.

Yea, I gave up on this game. The Class A is absolutely insanely hard. I'm doing the racing mission where you have to drive a Ferrari F450, and you start out in 16th place and you have to make your way to 1st place with the one lap if not then you fail. Well I tried 10 times already and I can't managed to get at least in 3 place. I always end up in 6th place.

This is way to hard and sooner I know I will be cussing up a storm. I had the same problems when I played GT3: A-Spec on the PS2. That game was hard to adjust to. Simulation/Racing games is just not me then. I can't go along with the frustration anymore. I want to be in first place, but maybe my skills are not good like these other GT fans. I wanted to get into this series because I'm a car fanatic. And I like the concept in GT to buy and collect all the cars. But with the racing part its extremely difficult. So I'm just going to trade this game in and just let this series run past.

It was nice playing it, but the skills for this game is insanely difficult to master. I will stick with my Need for Speed/Burnout type games.

xlost7 said:

Cause I'm playing the A Class now and having a hard time getting past certain events. For example there is this one race where you have one lap and you start out at 16 place. You need to get to first place within that one lap to win. I am driving a Ferrari F450 and the A.I. always seems to get in first place with the Ferrari F450

Am I doing something wrong or is this game suppose to be this hard?

Ah, yes... I remember that one well, it took a long time. What I did was brake a little early on the first turn so you can cut on the inside past the first two cars, then on the turn brake late, sliding into the cars ahead of you and use them as bumpers (Careful, too hard and you'll go off the trak or overshoot them). And any chase you get draft (You know get behind cards to cut down on air resistance), if you do all of those perfect you'll win.

Aside from that race, A-Class is actually fairly easy, just wait until S-Class. In the S-Class you cannot come in contact with the walls or bump other racers to hard, otherwise it adds time to your lap. The last race in the S-Class is the only insanely hard level and I have yet to beat it.

(To those who say wall bounce, in this particular race there are no walls to bounce off of the track is surrounded by grass and sand, and tuning isnt available until S-Class is unlocked)

Username2324 said:
xlost7 said:

Cause I'm playing the A Class now and having a hard time getting past certain events. For example there is this one race where you have one lap and you start out at 16 place. You need to get to first place within that one lap to win. I am driving a Ferrari F450 and the A.I. always seems to get in first place with the Ferrari F450

Am I doing something wrong or is this game suppose to be this hard?

Ah, yes... I remember that one well, it took a long time. What I did was brake a little early on the first turn so you can cut on the inside past the first two cars, then on the turn brake late, sliding into the cars ahead of you and use them as bumpers (Careful, too hard and you'll go off the trak or overshoot them). And any chase you get draft (You know get behind cards to cut down on air resistance), if you do all of those perfect you'll win.

Aside from that race, A-Class is actually fairly easy, just wait until S-Class. In the S-Class you cannot come in contact with the walls or bump other racers to hard, otherwise it adds time to your lap. The last race in the S-Class is the only insanely hard level and I have yet to beat it.

(To those who say wall bounce, in this particular race there are no walls to bounce off of the track is surrounded by grass and sand, and tuning isnt available until S-Class is unlocked)

lol..dude I just gave up. I couldn't take the beating I was getting. I did that technique you mentioned above already. I tired following those markers on the road that was colored blue for accerating and red for braking. 

Hard and to difficult for me to get past. So I just walked away from this game and its series.


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The race line is garbage for this race, trust me. Just always have the pedal to the medal and brake as last as possible and use the other cars on the track for bumpers, and always, ALWAYS be behind another car on the straight aways to gain as much speed as possible. It took me a day or two to get, but you will feel great once you get it.


I know the feeling your talking about. That's the same feeling I had when I did the first two races in the A Class. I was really pissed and was getting 3 or 4th place. But eventually made it through. Practice makes perfect, but the timing it takes just to get that gold medal takes awhile and frustration.

I can't take that, with games like this I completely want to chug the controller on the floor. I'm at the PS3 XMB now and GT5: Prologue is in the PS3. I'm about to eject it and trade it in.

Sorry bro for being the way I am, your giving me so much tips and I respect that but this game isn't for me.

A really good site for help would be GTplanet, there are also game saves in the forums aswell.

I actually got second place on the Ferrari F450 race. I manage to get all the way up to 2nd place but the only car I had to get pass was the Ferrari 450 also. So that car just keeps beating me!!!!

But I believe practice makes perfect, so I'm just going to keep trying and trying over again.

Is there any tips for accelerating or braking at the same time? Is it possible to use both. For example when coming into a turn and I'm coming at full speed, is it a good tip to press the brake in to get some leverage so when I get out the turn I will have speed to overtake some cars?