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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Girlfriend Vs. Game (Part 1)

This whole thing makes you sound like an asshole... Except that I agree Twilight is utter crap.

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docholliday said:
xlost7 said:

Wow I hope you guys are not losing interest in one another. I'm not pointing figures at you are wrong or she is wrong, but I would pick a girl over gaming any day, seriously. But if I was you I would just go to friendship status unless you really love this girl a lot. Because this lying and her lying will bite both you guys asses in the future.

Wow is right......@ you for making this look like the guy's relationship is completely doomed. Its really not that serious, because obviously if it was he wouldnt be on here joking about it. I dont know what fairytale world you live in where relationships are perfect but this is about the normal. And LOL @ you telling him to suggest to watch a different movie instead, just a lil heads up.....When a woman wants something you dont compromise, its either yes or no and most of the time saying no is just not worth the headache afterwards.


oh okay believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe. It's an opinion I stated if you don't agree plz feel free to move along my post, no need to quote me and bash me and say what world I'm living in. I live in a world your in. I'm currently in no relationship because I'm in school, getting my prioteries straight in life. Girls drain to much energy out of you. But once you make a small fucked up move its downhill from there.

bugrimmar did the right thing and lied about the situation, but you reap what you sow. The same thing he did is the same thing she will do to him in the future. I know the game. I have been in relationships and I have given up on them now.

And I know if a woman says one thing then if you answer no, then you will get a fuck load of bullshit. That's so damn fucking common sense. I live with a mom and two sisters. I see their changes everyday. I'm not stupid dude.


lolita said:
This whole thing makes you sound like an asshole... Except that I agree Twilight is utter crap.

This and its coming from a girl

dude always pick the "watching movie with GF" card

watching chickflick with GF ---> huge posibility of getting lucky after the movie

frag fest of resistance 2 ---> huge posibility of spending some pleasure time in the toilet with your own hand

games don't even have a chance

NiKKoM said:
GF > Videogames... cause the chance to get laid is 100% more with GF then with videogames.. and we all know.. Sex > Videogames..

That is the best logic ever.  Everything boils down to sex > everything, so any logical progression of that can lead to sex has the chance of being way better than video games.

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bugrimmar said:

all of a sudden she had a migraine...


You should have learned by now. Always bring Tylonel or Advil or assorted tablets for migraine with you when you want something she doesn't.

bugrimmar said:

So what happens when I'm 'invited' by my girlfriend to watch a totally lame, low budget ass chick movie, when I've my heart set on a Resistance 2 fragfest with some buddies?

First, I make excuses, like in this case, "I have to take my mom to the mall".

Second, ask a friend to lie for me, that we're going to do some last minute huge thing for work.

Third and finally, the last straw would be just to insist that this movie is crud, is absolute bullshit, garbage, and a complete waste of time.

Basically, I'm absolutely adamant that I will not let this shit to get in the way of Resistance 2. No freaking way.

So... what happens when the girl gets in the way with my game?


Simple... I go watch Twilight.

(1. she has close ties with my mom, 2. my asswipe friend told the truth because he's a bloody idiot, 3. the newspapers gave it good reviews, which she inevitably shoved in my face)

And I was right, this movie is absolute crap and a total stinking pile of toxic waste. But at least the girl is cute (upturned noses ftw)

Well, it depends on the type of girl you are dating. The girls I have dated were great, except for a few who used my in the relationship (one was dating her boyfriend and lied to me that she was single when I asked her out, and was pregnant by him and I didn't know; one girl wanted to show me off to her friends because of my intelligence; and the last one I dated said she loved me, but just used me and my feelings to make herself happy and never cared about me), I have to do what they want to do. PERIOD. That's the easiest way to please them and to make them happy. If they are happy, I'm happy. That means if they want to go shopping, I will sacrifice my time to go out with them and shop. If they wanted to go see a movie, I will go with them and pay for the tickets and food.

But it sucks you don't seem to please your girl, but meh, everyone is different. A video game will ALWAYS be there as you can play it anytime you want to. Even if it's a game that I like, I would rather make my girlfriend happy then later play the game after we have spent time together.


lolita said:
This whole thing makes you sound like an asshole... Except that I agree Twilight is utter crap.


i'm glad you agree that twilight is crap. coming from a girl, it means a lot to me :P

but hey, i don't deny that i'm a scumbag. we're all scumbags when we think about it

Dump her and get a girlfriend who loves gaming, or get a few female friends 'with benefits', the kind you have sex with but without the serious relationship and emotional drama, etc...

bugrimmar said:
lolita said:
This whole thing makes you sound like an asshole... Except that I agree Twilight is utter crap.


i'm glad you agree that twilight is crap. coming from a girl, it means a lot to me :P

but hey, i don't deny that i'm a scumbag. we're all scumbags when we think about it

No, not me... I'm an angel.