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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 Passes Xbox!

Microsoft have come a long way in such a short time, especially considering they are up against hardware and software LEGENDS....... Nintendo.

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And only 1.6m more until the xbox brand sells 50m.

MS had early problems of the old Zephyr and earlier model and have come through with a great machine at a great price, they have done exactly what Sony did with it's PS2 which on release had it's DVD faults etc and they had to fix or replace who knows how many, but MS also had to contend with all this mass anti MS internet rubbish on top of it.

This only shows that the Xbox is now every bit of a force as the Japanese counterparts and it has taken them such a short time to do it.

With the next Xbox release only being on generation number 3 as long as it is 100% good out of the box I can't see it going anywhere but to the top...