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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why do "you" (those of you know who you are) do that?

possible part of an answer: because they take every single digit this site provides as the word of God?

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The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

My favorite console the previous generation was the GameCube, and I had to suffer through the bashing then, so I don't want to hear your complaints.

j/k. Each console has a problem, and no matter which one you own you are going to get shit about it.

Wii: pointless waggling. Seriously, I feel like an idiot waving that thing around.
XBox360: RROD. If any other electronic device had that high of a rate of failure, it would have been recalled.
PS3: Haha, your last. That is what you get for being a PC wannabe.


man these are the same ppl who would go ape shit if ps3 was winning


Who cares? Why are you listening to jackasses on the internet tell you that you bought the wrong thing? Are they your damn mother or something? Play your damn games, they're fun. And if your happy with it, screw everyone else.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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dougsdad0629 said:

I'm having the opposite problem.  I'm struggling to find more Wii games that interest me since I've beaten the majority of the ones that interested me already.  For PS3, however, there are still several games on my wishlist that I can't yet afford.  My Wii has been relegated to the system for my 4 yr. old son and the PS3 is mostly for me.  My reasons for not having a 360 are personal.  Personally, I can't bring myself to reward a faulty product (no matter how enticing the software) with my hard earned $.  That last statement was not inteded to inflame anyone.  It's just the way I feel.

I hope you never bought a PS2.


redspear said:
dougsdad0629 said:

I'm having the opposite problem.  I'm struggling to find more Wii games that interest me since I've beaten the majority of the ones that interested me already.  For PS3, however, there are still several games on my wishlist that I can't yet afford.  My Wii has been relegated to the system for my 4 yr. old son and the PS3 is mostly for me.  My reasons for not having a 360 are personal.  Personally, I can't bring myself to reward a faulty product (no matter how enticing the software) with my hard earned $.  That last statement was not inteded to inflame anyone.  It's just the way I feel.

I hope you never bought a PS2.




 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby007 said:
dougsdad0629 said:
redspear said:
Well I think most people are talking about sales on this site and what you may feel like putting down your system is really just criticism as to why it won't sell boatloads and why it won't get massive exclusive support. I own a PS3 and I like it for its media server capabilities and the blue-ray is a nice addition but IMO it does lag in the games department there are some great games on it though and if it were my only system I wouldn't be dissappointed but my Wii just gets more play time than the PS3.

As for others Sony fans spent the early part of thsi gen ripping on the Wii and there is probably some resentment.

Finally Sony bough the early part of this upon themselves with their outlandish PR that made a joke of the gaming industry and insulted people who were not fanbois.


I'm having the opposite problem.  I'm struggling to find more Wii games that interest me since I've beaten the majority of the ones that interested me already.  For PS3, however, there are still several games on my wishlist that I can't yet afford.  My Wii has been relegated to the system for my 4 yr. old son and the PS3 is mostly for me.  My reasons for not having a 360 are personal.  Personally, I can't bring myself to reward a faulty product (no matter how enticing the software) with my hard earned $.  That last statement was not inteded to inflame anyone.  It's just the way I feel.

ah here you do it yourself....



Don't misunderstand.  I openly acknowledge the appeal of the software of the 360.  It has some great games I'd love to play.  My comment is in stark contrast to those of people who not only bash the PS3, but claim it has no good games.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

dougsdad0629 said:
kirby007 said:
dougsdad0629 said:
redspear said:
Well I think most people are talking about sales on this site and what you may feel like putting down your system is really just criticism as to why it won't sell boatloads and why it won't get massive exclusive support. I own a PS3 and I like it for its media server capabilities and the blue-ray is a nice addition but IMO it does lag in the games department there are some great games on it though and if it were my only system I wouldn't be dissappointed but my Wii just gets more play time than the PS3.

As for others Sony fans spent the early part of this gen ripping on the Wii and there is probably some resentment.

Finally Sony bough the early part of this upon themselves with their outlandish PR that made a joke of the gaming industry and insulted people who were not fanbois.


I'm having the opposite problem.  I'm struggling to find more Wii games that interest me since I've beaten the majority of the ones that interested me already.  For PS3, however, there are still several games on my wishlist that I can't yet afford.  My Wii has been relegated to the system for my 4 yr. old son and the PS3 is mostly for me.  My reasons for not having a 360 are personal.  Personally, I can't bring myself to reward a faulty product (no matter how enticing the software) with my hard earned $.  That last statement was not inteded to inflame anyone.  It's just the way I feel.

ah here you do it yourself....



Don't misunderstand.  I openly acknowledge the appeal of the software of the 360.  It has some great games I'd love to play.  My comment is in stark contrast to those of people who not only bash the PS3, but claim it has no good games.

You see I am not bashing the PS3. In fact I did say there were some great games on it that I have played but most of the games are short with little replay value...Wipeout Pure is an exception I played that game endlessly and I really enjoyed Blast Factor(though prefer geomotry wars) Uncharted was better than expected and was great game to play and even the much malligned Heavenly sword was fun though it was repetative and short. Outside of that GTA IV and MGS IV were huge let downs particularily MGS IV which has got to be one of the worst games I have ever played which is funny cause the game played just fine but the writing was cringe inducingly bad unfocused and unimagintive(I felt like it was written by a 4 year old  ODing on ritalin) Lair got what it deserved and LBP was dull to me but I won't knock that game just not for me. Resistance felt generic to me and plus I don't like to play FPSs on consoles I fell like i am walking through molasses and they just don't seem fun to me. Call of Duty 4 was a great game but I only know that from the PS3 version. So yes I can see some games there that can catch peoples eyes. A lot of games I tried lacked a spark like Genji 2, Untold Legends, and so forth. Ratchet was fun though.

I tend to use it mostly for media purposes now and it doesn't dissappoint. I have rented several movies though the PSN network and while I wish the selection was bigger and the menus a little snappier when browsing though titles it is an overall positive experience.


Personally I've seen far more people ragging 360 owners for their choices than PS3 owners. And really most of the 360 owner attacks on PS3 come from being provoked first.

You may have a different experience, I'm just saying that's mine.

But seriously, to say something like just because a system is more popular doesn't mean it's a better system negates the entire body of pro-PS2 arguments from the day, that it was BETTER because it SOLD MORE.

If you recall it was more than likely Gamecube and Xbox owners saying, no, that's not always true.

I agree with the OP though, the fighting is stupid. I also agree with the person who says you shouldn't care what people think. Problem is, usually when you really like something it upsets you when people ragg on it. That's just human nature I think.