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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's savior would be...colours.


So what Japan has, Green,Red,White,Silver,Black,Pink,Gold,Special Editions like Crisis Core, PSP:s?

What we at Europe have, Black,Silver.

So Japan has White,Silver,Black,and some crazy Metal Gear Solid 4 and other Special Edition Ps3:s.

Aint this hot?I would sell my black Ps3 just to get this:

We at Europe have Black.Black.


I would think that with new colours,Sony would boost all systems about 40k+,like it did at Japan looong time ago.

What about U.S?Any colours there?






Take my love, take my land..

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Colors would give a short term boost, but that is it. Now, a redesign with smaller footprint and adding colors might help sales for a longer time frame.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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More colors available is a practice I´d like to see from all 3 hardware makers, in every generation....what´s so difficult about it that we rarely see it here in the U.S.?

You can get the Black and Gunmetal Gray which I think is the MGS one..

My friend has a white one from Japan, and yes, it's hot. Unfortunately for him, he can't play region-locked DVD's (way around?).

I do agree that we should have been had more colors by now, but I also agree with nord. Let them make a slim version and release it with the new colors. It'll have a much larger impact.

i like the piano black ps3 the way it is. it matches the home theatre system better.

matte black 360 elite looks terrible and the white wii is hidden

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I don't care about colors. I am waiting for a PS3 (or 360) slim.

well, technically, how difficult is it to spray a different colour on it?

It shouldn't be so difficult to do and it would certainly entice some people just for the colour alone...

increased sales, even if it is just temporarily, are a benefit, and they keep your console in the eye of attention.

Yeah, I really doubt colors is going to help Sony. They need to sink their energy into serious entry level price reductions, and making the PSN better than or as good as XBOX Live.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


PSN is already better or good as Xbox live...Just bring us PSN cards...

But yea you could spray it yourself,but it wouln't feel right..And you can mess it many many ways.



Take my love, take my land..

I never really understood people's fascination with colors. But as others have said, colors only boost in the short term and it doesnt matter what color a console is when it simply doesnt appeal to a customer.

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