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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official "PS3 is dooooomed, I should have known better" thread

well ill keep posting only until my new games(MS PR, AC, PoP this comes Friday) arrive that will be today or tomorrow, so until then ill post depressing comments here :)

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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We all know it's far from dead, Black Friday sales increased year over year, so it can't be doing that horribly.

Just the way the pendulum swings. In six months, it will be 360 negativity FTW.

So will a mod do the same for the 360 when all the 360 is doomed threads come out next time? I do not recall that happening the last time but maybe next time will be different.

billsalias said:

So will a mod do the same for the 360 when all the 360 is doomed threads come out next time? I do not recall that happening the last time but maybe next time will be different.


You mean like this thread?

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It is like Dj says...It always swings;;;;One year ago The PS3 was the one with no games ;..Now they are saying that about the Wii....The PS3 was dead a year ago 'NPD NUMBERS IN X360 5 times more units sold than PS3! PS3 dead'..A half year ago X360 was dead thx to MGS4 and now is the PS3 dead again...;

"Note: I personally don't agree with all the hype. PS3 is definitely not in a good shape"

Was that entirely necessary? Anyway, good alternative, about time as well. It should have happened long time ago not only with the PS3 but also with other platforms anti / doomed threads. And IMO, every single thread with a subject which is identical to the preceding threads should be closed. Happens at most forums.

@NJ5 shut it, as far as I can see you do nothing but trolling.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

*~Onna76~* said:
"Note: I personally don't agree with all the hype. PS3 is definitely not in a good shape"

Was that entirely necessary? Anyway, good alternative, about time as well. It should have happened long time ago not only with the PS3 but also with other platforms anti / doomed threads. And IMO, every single thread with a subject which is identical to the preceding threads should be closed. Happens at most forums.

@NJ5 shut it, as far as I can see you do nothing but trolling.


amen to that




This time it is different. This was "The year of the PS3" and it has fallen flat on its face. It does have games and it is expensive but it does have blu-ray and still it is selling slow. I think the main problem is the software sales, they are shocking....

I know 3 people with a PS3 including myself and they are only using it for movies. For a "games Console" this is very dangerous and software companies will leave it alone

Christhegamer said:
This time it is different. This was "The year of the PS3" and it has fallen flat on its face. It does have games and it is expensive but it does have blu-ray and still it is selling slow. I think the main problem is the software sales, they are shocking....

I know 3 people with a PS3 including myself and they are only using it for movies. For a "games Console" this is very dangerous and software companies will leave it alone

The PS3, nor the 360 will ever be the best selling console for any year.  That is pretty much accepted.

Any "This is the year of ..." threads that are not the Wii are obviously unrealistic and unachievable.  No one declared this the year of the PS3 except for a very few Sony fans.