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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The user shift from wii to HD

tuoyo said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:

Well in comparison to the 2 giants of this generation it seems to go unappreciated and unplayed when they’re both on the same TV cabinet.

Please explain to me how the PS3 and 360 are the 2 giants of this generation when the Wii outsells their combined sales week in week out.  I am curious to understand what you mean by giants.  Are you refering to the fact that the consoles are huge while Wii is the size of 3 DVD cases?  Otherwise I don't think you know the meaning of giant.


LMAO, I was thinking the same thing rofl.


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I don't believe that the price drop of the XBOX 360 will slow down the Wii as much as people think. Buying an XBOX 360 is still not as cheap as buying the Wii. Think about this. In order to take full advantage of the 360 and have it include everything the Wii has you need to buy: an XBOX 360 Arcade ($199), a Hard Drive ($99, last I checked), a Play and Charge Kit ($20), and a Network Adapter ($99, last I checked). That totals out to $420, and that's not including the cost of XBOX LIVE. The Wii has all of that built into the system, or the majority of it. Anyone with the common knowledge of gaming and financial management would notice that.

stof said:
I think you're looking at the current moment (2008 Q4) a bit too closely. This period has seen some of the HD consoles biggest games come out while simultaneously being the Wii's aberration in terms of software. The second half of 2008's derth of Wii games will not be seen in 2009, or for that matter, probably any time in the Wii's upcoming life span.


This x 9887976. I don't understand when it became HD -vs- Wii, but when the Wii was outselling the other systems in both software & hardware sales PRIOR to Q4, you didn't get this kind of asumption. The problem I have most with the logic is the OP thread is, "Well my friends do it so that equals everyone!" Too many threads are started with this logic.

...Poor baby seals. ='(

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

See you had a point then you seem to lose it along the way when you decided to down play the wii

I will admit I do play my 360 more but it has nothing to do with HD or anything like that

I am addicted to the achievement system and gamerscore…its like crack

Now if the wii had something like that set in place then I would bounce back and forth more freely


SnowWhitesDrug said:
madness, I didnt expect so many people to reply, first off, a few of you are just repeating facts I said I knew in my op, so I wont bother with thoes, and some of you are pointing out the obvious that you didnt even read my OP you just jumped straight to the hate. I am not saying anything about the wii loosing this gen, I don't even want it to, what Im saying, which pretty much every one has missed. is this...

With the recent price drops in HD gaming to compete with the wii will there be a significant shift of wii players who purchased the wii for its price tag moving to HD gaming. And does this have any baring to old claims of the wii being a gimmick ect. I personaly dont think its a gimmick, read my OP very carefully because you think im some anti wii satanist with mad claims the wii is going to hell



The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Around the Network

The assumption that once you move into HD you don't go back the SD is just plain wrong. I've had my Wii since launch and my PS3 June 2008 (I think, MSG4 release day). I still play my Wii more even though the second half of 2008 sucked in regards to Wii releases.

I don't care about shiny new graphics, I care about good fun games. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Signature goes here!

clerk said:
Those people who own more than one console, are what we usually call harcore gamers. The games on the HD machine are aimed at them, almost all of them, so they have alot to play on the HD machines.

What seems to be so hard for some people to understand, is that we are becoming the minority in gaming. We no longer decide where the idustry goes, and there is absolutly nothing you can, or should want to do about that. Just enjoy that our passion is finally getting accepted as something normal people do.


@BOLD: I think it's the lost feeling of "superiority" that some gamers felt. Kinda like feeling your vote counted, or you not shopping somewhere actually lead to them losing business. Problem is whether it's HD gaming -vs- SD gaming, its not going to matter cause the industry is head in the direction of all inclusion. The "hardcore" gamers on HD still want to have their voices heard, while "casual gamers are perfectly fine with playing GREAT games regardless. Reason why Stof has a point. The average HD/PC games out this quarter are good, but that doesn't make a trend. =/


Actually when I think about it this thread is probably a lil' ahead of it time, lol. This would be a better question in '09, if Sony implements a GOOD price drop. Then you can evaluate it better I think...

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

We wii owners live in hope that all of you, the reviewers and critics, the programmers, the developers and publishers will wake up one day and realise the wasted opportunities that Reggie clearly explained.

Go ahead and spend all your time and money on the two systems that are completely identical, in user base and content, because while you might only see casual titles with limited development effort making money on Wii what your forgetting is that MOST of us are hardcore gamers too.

BTW if PS3 and 360 owners honestly think LBP and BK are the best games on their respective systems then Wii will gladly welcome you back to the Wii, you know we do it best.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

You are using your console selection rationale (as a hardcore gamer) and applying it to all console owners (not hardcore).

The majority of consumers prefer the Wii. It is not price or a "gimmick" that leads them to want a Wii, it is just the console that appeals to them the most. The PS3/360 were designed for hardcore gamers, like you. The Wii was designed for everyone else. "Everyone else" is a much bigger market than "hardcore gamers".

The vast majority of consumers do not care about HD gaming yet. The 360 is abundant and cheaper than a Wii, but it is still being crushed in weekly sales. It not because people are not informed about HD gaming.

Silentburritoassasin said:
tuoyo said:
SnowWhitesDrug said:

Well in comparison to the 2 giants of this generation it seems to go unappreciated and unplayed when they’re both on the same TV cabinet.

Please explain to me how the PS3 and 360 are the 2 giants of this generation when the Wii outsells their combined sales week in week out.  I am curious to understand what you mean by giants.  Are you refering to the fact that the consoles are huge while Wii is the size of 3 DVD cases?  Otherwise I don't think you know the meaning of giant.


LMAO, I was thinking the same thing rofl.


   I was wondering this as well.  SnowWhitesDrug, you are acting frustrated by some people telling you facts "you already know", yet you are making statements with nothing to back them up.  One being this "2 giants of this generation" comment.  You have to define how you see a giant of this generation, because it does not go along with what I define as a giant of this generation.

   Another comment that you had nothing to back you up on was "the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market".  Where do you pull this information from?  Currently the SD Wii is outselling the two HD consoles combined.  So I am curious where your infomation comes from.  To me, it seems that you are simply claiming what you feel as applying to most everyone else.  You admitted to the SD Wii selling more in your statement "Also in my OP I literaly said the wiis sales moment will over take 50% and continue so please dont try and force feed me obvious facts I've allready stated to know and agree with.", yet are stating it as fact that "the Hd gaming market currently is appealing to more people then the wiis standard def market"

  And ok, you understand these facts, as you have said, and are getting frustrated by people telling you facts you already know.  I believe you are saying that yes, there are more new buyers into this generation of consoles (who you see as mostly getting Wii ) than total new buyers of HD consoles, but you believe existing owners of SD Wiis are shifting to HD.  But you are not supporting your belief that Wii owners are shifting to HD consoles, and just getting frustrated with people repeating current data to you. 

   Where is the data that backs you up in your belief?  The evidence that we have to go off of, that you keep saying you already know, seems to suggest the opposite.  Going of of the evidence at hand, we could better say HD owners are shifting to Wii.  Though, to say either of these statement, we'd have to know how many consumers already own the competitions console.  Which we don't have.  So what data are you going off of to give support to your statements?  People who have explained why they believe differently than you have used evidence and you are just getting irritated at the use of the evidence.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)