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I guess they pop up in "gloomy" times to take their best shot at humor lol

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Cant Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K2 Cant Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

Jo21 said:

quantity < quality.

I believe the fact that HGalo 3 will do over 10 mill shows QUALITY. Every successive game in the Halo series has largely outsold it's predecessor. That means the ones who played came back for more and new onws joined. They to came back for more in round 3 and through word of mouth more joined again. I'm betting Halo 4 sales are off the hook. Using that statement against Halo is laughable. Many many more people in the world think it's the best FPS they have played than almost any other shooter. probably at least 6-7mill of those 8mill+ certainly. So you may get away with dissing Halo on Forums. But jo public loves it.


selnor said:
Jo21 said:

quantity < quality.

I believe the fact that HGalo 3 will do over 10 mill shows QUALITY. Every successive game in the Halo series has largely outsold it's predecessor. That means the ones who played came back for more and new onws joined. They to came back for more in round 3 and through word of mouth more joined again. I'm betting Halo 4 sales are off the hook. Using that statement against Halo is laughable. Many many more people in the world think it's the best FPS they have played than almost any other shooter. probably at least 6-7mill of those 8mill+ certainly. So you may get away with dissing Halo on Forums. But jo public loves it.


or that it was hyped.


look at assasin creed sales over 7 million or GTA4 over 10kk . good games?yes.

but they deserve over 5 millions sales? after playing both they are disappointments.

and in case if that true killzone 2 should outsell halo 3, if quality matters that much graphically killzone 2 it's way superior.


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I never really got any of the Assassin's Creed hate. That game was pretty awesome, from what I played.

Jo21 said:
selnor said:
Jo21 said:

quantity < quality.

I believe the fact that HGalo 3 will do over 10 mill shows QUALITY. Every successive game in the Halo series has largely outsold it's predecessor. That means the ones who played came back for more and new onws joined. They to came back for more in round 3 and through word of mouth more joined again. I'm betting Halo 4 sales are off the hook. Using that statement against Halo is laughable. Many many more people in the world think it's the best FPS they have played than almost any other shooter. probably at least 6-7mill of those 8mill+ certainly. So you may get away with dissing Halo on Forums. But jo public loves it.


or that it was hyped.


look at assasin creed sales over 7 million or GTA4 over 10kk . good games?yes.

but they deserve over 5 millions sales? after playing both they are disappointments.

and in case if that true killzone 2 should outsell halo 3, if quality matters that much graphically killzone 2 it's way superior.


Quality matters, but it is not the only thing that matters.  Having a multi-million install base helps.  Having good advertising and a great mutliplayer formula helps.  Being the best LAN console game helps.  If KZ2 can get all that (except for the install base, obviously) it will still be lucky to get half of Halo 3's sales.  Halo 3 is a third iteration of a great franchise.  Killzone 2 is the second iteration of an untested, and previously flawed franchise.  The sales of KZ2 would have to mostly be made on advertising, hype, and preferably having no story related to Killzone 1 since barely anyone played it.

I wnder how much marketing sony is preparing for KZ2......... Honestly 08 was the year of sony for great games. Microsoft had to pull out some big guns to make sure sony didn't take over. 09 is looking like another great year of outstanding games for PS3

The site really does a good job of portraying the average Sony fanboy as mentally unstable.

nightsurge said:
Jo21 said:
selnor said:
Jo21 said:

quantity < quality.

I believe the fact that HGalo 3 will do over 10 mill shows QUALITY. Every successive game in the Halo series has largely outsold it's predecessor. That means the ones who played came back for more and new onws joined. They to came back for more in round 3 and through word of mouth more joined again. I'm betting Halo 4 sales are off the hook. Using that statement against Halo is laughable. Many many more people in the world think it's the best FPS they have played than almost any other shooter. probably at least 6-7mill of those 8mill+ certainly. So you may get away with dissing Halo on Forums. But jo public loves it.


or that it was hyped.


look at assasin creed sales over 7 million or GTA4 over 10kk . good games?yes.

but they deserve over 5 millions sales? after playing both they are disappointments.

and in case if that true killzone 2 should outsell halo 3, if quality matters that much graphically killzone 2 it's way superior.


Quality matters, but it is not the only thing that matters. Having a multi-million install base helps. Having good advertising and a great mutliplayer formula helps. Being the best LAN console game helps. If KZ2 can get all that (except for the install base, obviously) it will still be lucky to get half of Halo 3's sales. Halo 3 is a third iteration of a great franchise. Killzone 2 is the second iteration of an untested, and previously flawed franchise. The sales of KZ2 would have to mostly be made on advertising, hype, and preferably having no story related to Killzone 1 since barely anyone played it.

Hype is whats gonna kill it,people saying killzone 2 doing 1 million launch day is just crazy and putting stupid expectations on it and saying its gonna turn the console war,i dont care what they promise no franchise unproven is gonna do 1 mill launch day.


And the fact that no one even played Killzone 1 and even the fact that Sony IGNORED it during the PS2 days make me hmmm.