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i wonder when sony are going to cut the price.


The day before they'll go bankrupt, don't you think so?

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so can the ds average 2 million a week for these 5 holiday weeks?
can the wii be over 1 million for all 5 weeks?
can the 360 beat last years wii holiday sales?

all these things are insane and could certainly happen. reediculous!

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

dtewi said:
darthdevidem01 said:
I will LOL at people saying PS3 is dead.....when next year at a lower price point GT 5 comes on PS3 in xmas...

Didn't you post a thread saying that you accept PS3's defeat?

Or is this whole 5 Stage thing a cycle and we'll have to endure constant bickering until 2012?



its way too early yet, just look at the price of ps3! anyway people act like the ps3 is going to stay that price forever. if any console is dead it the damn 360 why? cause if you compare them both in the same timeframe, then the 360 is way behind! also 23 million in 3 years? thats a HUGE success but ps3 sales aint? selling much more in the same timeframe! in europe it hasnt even been 2 years yet! it came out march 2007. so people get back down to earth and stop dreaming that the 360 is going to beat the ps3. hell stop dreaming about the 360 even reaching 40 million sold.


Looks like the answer's yes.


Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Xbox 360 ate everything they lost against the PS3.

auxerre said:
If this is accurate, then the 360 will hit over 850K for the week WW, and the PS3 sales lead for the year will be evaporated by next week.

If sales continue through Christmas at this ratio, 360 might go into 2009 selling a million units more than than PS3 for the year. Comeback for the ages?

And yet, 360's amazing performance looks pitiful compared to the Wii/DS dominance. Puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

i don't know ytd sales, but i mentioned in a different thread that i'd be surprised if the 360 didn't sell 1 million more than ps3 this shopping season.

$519.99CDN for 160 gb ps3 w/uncharted... wtf!


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Max King of the Wild said:
Soriku said:

PS3 dropped? Ouch.


 by 7k in one region. But it also sold lots more in US. I was expecting 350k - 360k this week for the ps3. looks like it will do over 400k so i'm quit happy.


 ur confusing.......ur happy with PS3, despite 360 and WIi beating it handily in Europe, a former Sony stronghold.

Are u ignoring the competition cause no PS3 fan would be "happy" with this news. just saying.

I'm starting to wonder if MS will run out of supply...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

bigjon said:

Week ending Dec 1, 2007 in others

Ds- 680k

Wii- 280k

PS3- 177k

360- 106k

Week ending Nov 29, 2008

DS- 780k

Wii- 520k

360- 320k

PS3- 170k

Wii about doubles, 360 about triples.... wow.  PS3 sees no increase. DS was already megaton last year, I am actually shocked it continues to climb.

thats what i dont get, ps3 has been selling better than last year all year but now its selling worse? somethings not right.


its called "marketshare" and the 360 has started stealing the PS3's...


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Pristine20 said:
I can't understand many individuals on this site. How do the sales of the console affect the games you play? Even if the ps3 dreamcasts at the worst case scenario, you'll always have the great games you bought to play for as long as you're interested. So much gloom and doom talk lol.


Well, when Sega's console tanked, so did many of their Sonic games (in quality and quantity (I think)).  Also, less sales=less support for console, which is bad for a one-console owner.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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darthdevidem01 said:
I will LOL at people saying PS3 is dead.....when next year at a lower price point GT 5 comes on PS3 in xmas...


Here, laugh at yourself ~_n

Other SALE UP! -- Playstation biting the dust!


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