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Forums - Sales Discussion - EUK stores waiting on Resistance 2

kunaixhaku said:
resistance deserved more sales in north america, now europe will determine its faith but im guessin resistance will become a million seller in the next 2 weeks

The problem is Sony was hoping it to become million seller in couple of weeks. It should have done PS3 COD numbers.


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Bummer. Anyway, I'm finally picking this up tomorrow, I know HMV has it in stock.


kowenicki said:
LBP and Res2 were expected to be big... and well.. they just arent.

How does this bode for KZ2?

I guess at least when that launches it is up against nothing.

killzone2 will do great and will be the first legitimate sony published big game. Games like resistance2 and motorstorm2 underperformed because the original games weren't big hits on their own and only achieved some "sales" through extensive bundling. Games that were true hits like gears built a fanbase so the sequels will do better . Watch how uncharted 2 will also underperform when it releases . The "strength" of sony's first party line up is a glorified fairy tale.

fulcizombie said:
kowenicki said:
LBP and Res2 were expected to be big... and well.. they just arent.

How does this bode for KZ2?

I guess at least when that launches it is up against nothing.


killzone2 will do great and will be the first legitimate sony published big game. Games like resistance2 and motorstorm2 underperformed because the original games weren't big hits on their own and only achieved some "sales" through extensive bundling. Games that were true hits like gears built a fanbase so the sequels will do better . Watch how uncharted 2 will also underperform when it releases . The "strength" of sony's first party line up is a glorified fairy tale.

Using your logic, KZ1 didn't have a big fanbase therefore KZ2 won't be a big hit either.


FishyJoe said:
fulcizombie said:
kowenicki said:
LBP and Res2 were expected to be big... and well.. they just arent.

How does this bode for KZ2?

I guess at least when that launches it is up against nothing.


killzone2 will do great and will be the first legitimate sony published big game. Games like resistance2 and motorstorm2 underperformed because the original games weren't big hits on their own and only achieved some "sales" through extensive bundling. Games that were true hits like gears built a fanbase so the sequels will do better . Watch how uncharted 2 will also underperform when it releases . The "strength" of sony's first party line up is a glorified fairy tale.

Using your logic, KZ1 didn't have a big fanbase therefore KZ2 won't be a big hit either.


not really . The original killzone is a non-factor in this case.We are talking about sequels to games in the same generation . Bottom line :resistance, motorstorm and uncharted were failures ...their sequels will be failures too. Killzone2 won't sell on the strength or the weakness of the first game , it will sell because it is the most hyped ps3 game ever .

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@ fulci: the bundling thing has been used PRO and AGAINST those two games, while people have posted periods and numbers for the bundling. Going by those numbers, they weren't incredibly influenced by bundling, so that point should be obsolete by now.

Resistance, motorstorm and uncharted were failures? :-/ How much do you want titles to sell before they are considered a "hit" in your book?

papflesje said:
@ fulci: the bundling thing has been used PRO and AGAINST those two games, while people have posted periods and numbers for the bundling. Going by those numbers, they weren't incredibly influenced by bundling, so that point should be obsolete by now.

Resistance, motorstorm and uncharted were failures? :-/ How much do you want titles to sell before they are considered a "hit" in your book?

please show me in which software charts these games did well.

?? i was thinking, why was the game not in stock when it was released friday.

... look at their numbers, and read up on how they were bundled in a specific time period. That should tell you plenty of how these games sold. They may not reach GoW-levels, but going for at least 2 million (uncharted) and both above three if I'm not mistaken for Motorstorm and Resistance, is a failure to you?

@fulci: never mind, I checked another thread you replied in. Uncharted's numbers and Resistance's numbers were "imaginary" according to you.

Guess we know how you'll respond to my previous post then.

Better go tell ioi that he's posting imaginary numbers.