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Forums - General Discussion - Dawn of the Dead, 1978 version = bad.

So a few weeks ago I finally got around to watching Dawn of the Dead.  I happily pop it into my PS3 and then I notice something's wrong: it was the remake!


Oh well, I watch it and I love it.

Last night I finally watch the 1978 version and hope for some classic zombie mayham but boy was I wrong.  The zombies in that movie were just beyond lame.  They were never really threatening and I was never actually worried anytime I saw one.

The actors literally just walked up to a zombie, pushed, and continued walking.  There were even times when somehow a zombie pinned one of the people and the chick just stood there and watched as another zombie slowly lurked forward.

I had heard so many good things about this movie but it was just so bad.

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Good thing I never got around to watching that so-called "classic" then. From what you're saying, it sounds like a complete borefest of a movie deprived of even the smallest hint of common sense. Now I know not to waste my time trying to find it.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

Incandescence said:

Good thing I never got around to watching that so-called "classic" then. From what you're saying, it sounds like a complete borefest of a movie deprived of even the smallest hint of common sense. Now I know not to waste my time trying to find it.


Yeah, usually zombie movies freak me out but I was just bored during this movie.  There were funny parts but the zombies were just so non-theatening it was bad.

Even my wife, who is a complete wuss when it comes to anything scary or gross (she even hides her eyes during House), was bored by the movie.

I felt the same way the first time I watched The French Connection. I heard aobut the car chase scene and how it was awesome. Turns out is ridiculous (compared to today's action movies). The actual plot is good.

Could it be a case of a movie that marked a generation but it is outdated?

marciosmg said:
I felt the same way the first time I watched The French Connection. I heard aobut the car chase scene and how it was awesome. Turns out is ridiculous (compared to today's action movies). The actual plot is good.

Could it be a case of a movie that marked a generation but it is outdated?

I wanted to think that too but even in the 70's they could have made the zombies a little more threatening.  I can handle the bad makeup, but they seriously just had people walk up and push and that would take out a zombie.


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twesterm said:
marciosmg said:
I felt the same way the first time I watched The French Connection. I heard aobut the car chase scene and how it was awesome. Turns out is ridiculous (compared to today's action movies). The actual plot is good.

Could it be a case of a movie that marked a generation but it is outdated?

I wanted to think that too but even in the 70's they could have made the zombies a little more threatening.  I can handle the bad makeup, but they seriously just had people walk up and push and that would take out a zombie.



A lot of people say that his movie had political tones, so maybe he was going for something else other than scaring the audience.

Good zombie movie by the way: 28 days Later...

marciosmg said:
twesterm said:
marciosmg said:
I felt the same way the first time I watched The French Connection. I heard aobut the car chase scene and how it was awesome. Turns out is ridiculous (compared to today's action movies). The actual plot is good.

Could it be a case of a movie that marked a generation but it is outdated?

I wanted to think that too but even in the 70's they could have made the zombies a little more threatening.  I can handle the bad makeup, but they seriously just had people walk up and push and that would take out a zombie.



A lot of people say that his movie had political tones, so maybe he was going for something else other than scaring the audience.

Good zombie movie by the way: 28 days Later...


I heard that too and I just really don't want to think in a zombie movie, I wanted to be scared.

And yeah, 28 Days Later was good.  Fast zombies are always more frightening than the slow stupid ones.  One zombie from 28 Days Later means everyone dies.  One zombie (or even 10) from Dawn of the Dead means everyone sits there and laughs.

I do like fast zombies. But I dont like smart zombies.

I always thought that if your muscles were rotting, and you were no longer smart enough to be able to use the most basic of tools, you shouldn't be that much of a threat on your own. The threat in classic zombie films comes from being alone and being outnumbered 10,000 to 1 ...

Beyond that, the reason Dawn of the Dead was considered a classic is because of the statements being made by the movie. While it doesn't seem that original or outrageous today, a lot of the movie was a statement on out of control consumerism in America which was pretty revolutionary in the 1970s.

Edit: I should also say that I am a pretty big fan of classic zombie films, and loved renting them long before there was the Zombie resurgence that happened in the past decade or so. They are often fairly cheesy, poorly acted and written, and are generally very bad movies by most measures but they are far more experimental and have a more interesting "Style" than is presented by most modern movies.

HappySqurriel said:

I always thought that if your muscles were rotting, and you were no longer smart enough to be able to use the most basic of tools, you shouldn't be that much of a threat on your own. The threat in classic zombie films comes from being alone and being outnumbered 10,000 to 1 ...

Beyond that, the reason Dawn of the Dead was considered a classic is because of the statements being made by the movie. While it doesn't seem that original or outrageous today, a lot of the movie was a statement on out of control consumerism in America which was pretty revolutionary in the 1970s.

Edit: I should also say that I am a pretty big fan of classic zombie films, and loved renting them long before there was the Zombie resurgence that happened in the past decade or so. They are often fairly cheesy, poorly acted and written, and are generally very bad movies by most measures but they are far more experimental and have a more interesting "Style" than is presented by most modern movies.

agreed i thought the movie was good u got to remeber wen the moive was made if ur looking for something else try

28 days later 28 weeks later Quarintine



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