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Forums - Sony Discussion - When the PS3 goes to £200 and $300, will you buy it?

rukusa said:

To be honest, I think you're asking the wrong forum/site about this.

Specifically because nearly everyone here has a strong preference to their own console and they will stand by it regardless of how the situation will change the one of the rivals. Despite if change is positive they will remain unchangeble and reject that positivity despite being genuinely uninterested.

Basically we have alot of unbalanced, arrogant, disgruntled, biased and bitter forum members here.

And I cant deny I have a strong preference of my consoles of choice much like those people you'll be hearing from.


I don't know about that.  I am a tri-console supporter, and I've actually seen a lot of others on these forums as well.  I have my preferences about each console just like anyone else, but I still love all of them really.

Wii... for me it's all about party/drunk gaming.  Other than that, I don't play it as much as the others.

PS3... It's quiet, and technologically superior gaming with the better controller in my opinion.

360... XBOX Live, and my preferred exclusives rest on this system.

Each system has there good and bad points.  For me, gaming is just a very big part of my life (and my wife's and 7 year old kid's as well).  I guess I play the one I'm in the mood to play at any given moment.  My PS3 probablly gets the most use simply because it's the best Blu-ray player yet.  And my 360 gets gamed on more because my current to favorite games are Left 4 Dead and Fable 2 (both XBOX exclusives).


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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i already did, so most likely yes.

It depends. My gaming time has been cut down severely in the past few years and I'm looking at the possibility that, once I buy a 360, I may not pick up a PS3 until the end of the generation.

When I pick up a PS3, though, it won't be because the price came down. It will be because Team ICO's game is finally out.


Perhaps at a lower price, esp. if enough used games that I would like, were at a more reasonable price as well.

Since it includes Blu-ray, that helps to justify the purchase. But only if movies were to skip DVD and only come out in BR, which, for now, is extremely unlikely.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.