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Forums - General Discussion - Most Touching Video Ever?


I'll admit it: I cried.

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So did I. :) Nice find, thanks for sharing. Love is all you need.

Dogs Rule said:
So did I. :) Nice find, thanks for sharing. Love is all you need.


It's a shame none of my threads ever get much response.  This video really deserves all the attention it can get.  If you can watch that video without a single tear welling up, much less cracking a smile, you're inhuman.

You've gotten a decent amount of views per post. Are you the tarheel who played Warhawk with the league last Saturday?

Dogs Rule said:
You've gotten a decent amount of views per post. Are you the tarheel who played Warhawk with the league last Saturday?


Psh, I wish.  I'm too poor for a PS3.  It sucks being a poor highschool kid.

Around the Network

That made me feel wonderful inside. I cried too.

Michael Wong's fairytale is pretty touching, but you have to pay attention, its somewhat confusing.

As in go buy us some coffee.

I think I would s**t my pants if i saw a lion running at me.

That was lame. Eating them would have brought a smile to my face.

After all these years, I still can't stand this song. Such a great voice, but a whole career wasted to schmaltzy songs and Bobby Brown. No wonder the poor girl started taking cocaine.

I shed a tear for Whitney and I wished Christian the Lion would've eaten his old friends alive just for the sake of their criminal hairstyles (hell, even for the 70s this is unforgivable).