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Forums - Sales Discussion - Some Records 7th Gen Will Set

Ya, this gen will most likely break all those records.

Nintendo still doomed?
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TWRoO said:

Highest sales AND attach ratio and for a non bundled game: Wii Play or Wii Fit

I'm not too sure about this one. Halo 2 has an AR of over 33%, that could be hard to break.

Currently, Wii Play is averaging ~ 30-35% AR weekly. It does seem like that is also dropping (AR wise), so it could mean that it won't make it.

Wii Fit would need to sell heaps to make it. If Wii beats Ps2 (sells ~ 140M), that would mean Wii Fit would have to sell almost 50M to make it. That is a bit doubtable.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

@Oyv, Well in the holiday months Wii Play will struggle to keep it's weekly ratio high, but go back only to the w/e 10th October and it sold 42.7% of total Wii sales. Which isn't much of a drop over what it's current sell through was, which was 45% of total Wii sales.

You could be correct though, by the end of the generation it may fall short of 33%

2nd and 3rd place are confirmed. 1st place not sure. PS2 number just to high to be surpassed by Wii. I don't think Wii will has 8 year life span. Don't forget PS2 are still selling well.

Anything to back that statement up besides "because that's how I feel", NSS7? 'Cause really, the numbers kind of defy that prediction, and unless you have some evidence to show for that claim, it sounds pretty... well, self-indulgent, really.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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Best selling console could fall to either the DS or Wii as well, depends how the DSi is included in the numbers for the DS.

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