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Forums - Sales Discussion - Biggest 360 Week Ever? Tales from Black Friday

bigjon said:
Passenger57 said:
bigjon said:
another thing I just thought of... If the 360 was selling SOOO well why are all the retailers basically giving it away? Like, i mean.... I will use the Wii again. Do you EVER see a sweet deal for a Wii? heck no... You always see the Wii + WiiPlay + Carnival Games For 349.99 bs... If something sell like made on its own you dont put it on a major sale.


Ok, this will be the last only time I will respond to you as you seem hell bent on debunking this thread. The 360 has been selling incredibly well for the last few weeks, and hasn't been sold out. Now as of TODAY they are selling out everywhere.

Common sense would tell you that this will most likely be the biggest sales week for the 360 ever, and demand is already up. nuff said. Demand for wii has always been great but this is a 360 thread. 

I feel so honored you were willing to respond to me one last time.

The 360 is not selling out everywhere. And no I do not like in bum fuk arkansas.... I like in Ft Wayne Indiana, a city of about 250-300k. Common sense does say that the 360 will have one of if not the best week it has ever had.... Did I already not say I knew that. I think you dont even get what you are saying... If the 360 sold out everywhere at once this week sales would not be just 600k WW, but like 800k in NA. Also if you are right about the deals driving demand more than the product that you are in store for an epic drop next week. Because by that logic, any person with common sense would have run out and gotten an awsome deal this week... since everyone had awsome deals of course...

Since you keep missing this I do think the 360 will have its best week ever... I just am pointing out what is being said is not true (as far a widespread sellouts)


360 isn't selling out everywhere, but videos like the one posted create talk, add the price cut and the casual consumer who sees stuff like this and knows they want to get a family gift thinks, "why not get a 360"...  Microsoft is executing a case study in marketing this season.  The 360 has got itself out of last and is well on its way to tromping on PS3 the rest of the year, if not the rest of the generation.


Around the Network

I agree with bigjon to a point. Videos of highly discounted bundles that are in short supply doesn't mean we are about to see the 360 outsell the Wii. I went to walmart when they had the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD player sale and it was a madhouse trying to get those units. Well, that didn't end so well for HD-DVD.

As for NA sales. I'd see the 360 at 500k and Wii at about 800k. Though this site has a history of over tracking the 360, so it might show up over 600k.

NeoRatt said:
bigjon said:
Passenger57 said:
bigjon said:
another thing I just thought of... If the 360 was selling SOOO well why are all the retailers basically giving it away? Like, i mean.... I will use the Wii again. Do you EVER see a sweet deal for a Wii? heck no... You always see the Wii + WiiPlay + Carnival Games For 349.99 bs... If something sell like made on its own you dont put it on a major sale.


Ok, this will be the last only time I will respond to you as you seem hell bent on debunking this thread. The 360 has been selling incredibly well for the last few weeks, and hasn't been sold out. Now as of TODAY they are selling out everywhere.

Common sense would tell you that this will most likely be the biggest sales week for the 360 ever, and demand is already up. nuff said. Demand for wii has always been great but this is a 360 thread.

I feel so honored you were willing to respond to me one last time.

The 360 is not selling out everywhere. And no I do not like in bum fuk arkansas.... I like in Ft Wayne Indiana, a city of about 250-300k. Common sense does say that the 360 will have one of if not the best week it has ever had.... Did I already not say I knew that. I think you dont even get what you are saying... If the 360 sold out everywhere at once this week sales would not be just 600k WW, but like 800k in NA. Also if you are right about the deals driving demand more than the product that you are in store for an epic drop next week. Because by that logic, any person with common sense would have run out and gotten an awsome deal this week... since everyone had awsome deals of course...

Since you keep missing this I do think the 360 will have its best week ever... I just am pointing out what is being said is not true (as far a widespread sellouts)


360 isn't selling out everywhere, but videos like the one posted create talk, add the price cut and the casual consumer who sees stuff like this and knows they want to get a family gift thinks, "why not get a 360"... Microsoft is executing a case study in marketing this season. The 360 has got itself out of last and is well on its way to tromping on PS3 the rest of the year, if not the rest of the generation.



yes exactly the 360 outsold the PS3 in october by alot(dont know the exact number) and there were a handful of 360 games that really stand out, on the other hand the PS3 had alot of heavy hitters in ocotober, IMO the 360 and PS3 will have a healthy numbers form nov to dec.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

NeoRatt said:
bigjon said:
Passenger57 said:
bigjon said:
another thing I just thought of... If the 360 was selling SOOO well why are all the retailers basically giving it away? Like, i mean.... I will use the Wii again. Do you EVER see a sweet deal for a Wii? heck no... You always see the Wii + WiiPlay + Carnival Games For 349.99 bs... If something sell like made on its own you dont put it on a major sale.


Ok, this will be the last only time I will respond to you as you seem hell bent on debunking this thread. The 360 has been selling incredibly well for the last few weeks, and hasn't been sold out. Now as of TODAY they are selling out everywhere.

Common sense would tell you that this will most likely be the biggest sales week for the 360 ever, and demand is already up. nuff said. Demand for wii has always been great but this is a 360 thread. 

I feel so honored you were willing to respond to me one last time.

The 360 is not selling out everywhere. And no I do not like in bum fuk arkansas.... I like in Ft Wayne Indiana, a city of about 250-300k. Common sense does say that the 360 will have one of if not the best week it has ever had.... Did I already not say I knew that. I think you dont even get what you are saying... If the 360 sold out everywhere at once this week sales would not be just 600k WW, but like 800k in NA. Also if you are right about the deals driving demand more than the product that you are in store for an epic drop next week. Because by that logic, any person with common sense would have run out and gotten an awsome deal this week... since everyone had awsome deals of course...

Since you keep missing this I do think the 360 will have its best week ever... I just am pointing out what is being said is not true (as far a widespread sellouts)


360 isn't selling out everywhere, but videos like the one posted create talk, add the price cut and the casual consumer who sees stuff like this and knows they want to get a family gift thinks, "why not get a 360"...  Microsoft is executing a case study in marketing this season.  The 360 has got itself out of last and is well on its way to tromping on PS3 the rest of the year, if not the rest of the generation.


Finally, someone who speaks with sanity. BUT do not count your chickens before they hatch with the 360 owning this gen stuff... I recal PS3 fans calling the death of the 360 not just 6 months ago... Things can change fast. Also I feel that ioi will overtrack the 360 this week no matter what. It could sell 450k for real, possible. But if it did I think ioi would be higher than that.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

whatever said:
I agree with bigjon to a point. Videos of highly discounted bundles that are in short supply doesn't mean we are about to see the 360 outsell the Wii. I went to walmart when they had the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD player sale and it was a madhouse trying to get those units. Well, that didn't end so well for HD-DVD.

As for NA sales. I'd see the 360 at 500k and Wii at about 800k. Though this site has a history of over tracking the 360, so it might show up over 600k.


 more sanity

I see we were think the same thing about the 360s tracking...

Also I think the Wii could be as low as 600k or as high as 1.1 million. The Wii is more supply driven, while the 360 is demand driven.

I have been hearing reports about tons of Wii being delivered all week (not just fridays) and Wii is generally 90-100% soldout.... So if n went nuts with the shipping then week could be in line for craziness, but if they are speading supply out I think 700-800k...

Oh ya I forget this is not a Wii topic.... But since your brought it up : )

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Around the Network

I went to WalMart and lived this experience! What pissed me off is that I got there at like 3:30 in the morning and they had us form a line. I figure this was good cuz I was one of the first 10 people to arrive and they would release the console to each one of us.

Then 5am comes and fucking Walmart employees just let the 360 lose! I had to jump my way in and I grabbed 1 of 3 left. I was so freaking lucky and I would've been totally pissed had I not gotten one.

And now I'm officially a 360 owner and I'm proud to make MS another sale that helps on the war against the PS3 :) :) :)

What are you looking at, nerd?

OMG! Black Friday is insane! Kinda like Canada's Boxing day but crazier.

Signature goes here!

StanGable said:
I went to WalMart and lived this experience! What pissed me off is that I got there at like 3:30 in the morning and they had us form a line. I figure this was good cuz I was one of the first 10 people to arrive and they would release the console to each one of us.

Then 5am comes and fucking Walmart employees just let the 360 lose! I had to jump my way in and I grabbed 1 of 3 left. I was so freaking lucky and I would've been totally pissed had I not gotten one.

And now I'm officially a 360 owner and I'm proud to make MS another sale that helps on the war against the PS3 :) :) :)

Crazy, haha. Anyhow another thing is when those bundles were gone people started digging into the remaining stock for the pros and like as well. Not merely the bundles going today.  Any way you slice it's going to be big. How big, who knows.

 You're not in this vid are you ;


bigjon said:
another thing I just thought of... If the 360 was selling SOOO well why are all the retailers basically giving it away? Like, i mean.... I will use the Wii again. Do you EVER see a sweet deal for a Wii? heck no... You always see the Wii + WiiPlay + Carnival Games For 349.99 bs... If something sell like made on its own you dont put it on a major sale.


If you ever work in retail you will know that these are loss leader.  ie popular items that get people into the door to buy other thing.

360 is popular item this year due to its price point so retailers are bundle them with extra to get people to come to their stores instead (which then generate sales on other items, like said extra games).

I can bet you that your analysis is wrong because this week 360 will  benefit greatly from the sale even if it was just for one day.

btw, best buy special is 2 extra games (basketball game and I think tony hawk...pretty weak offering but even then it was selling well at the Best Buy I went to).  The pile was next to the PS3 at $399 with nothing extra ... so you can imagine people walk by and see 360 at $299 with 4 games ....

whatever said:
I agree with bigjon to a point. Videos of highly discounted bundles that are in short supply doesn't mean we are about to see the 360 outsell the Wii. I went to walmart when they had the $99 Toshiba HD-DVD player sale and it was a madhouse trying to get those units. Well, that didn't end so well for HD-DVD.

As for NA sales. I'd see the 360 at 500k and Wii at about 800k. Though this site has a history of over tracking the 360, so it might show up over 600k.

So by that same logic, that $129.00 Blu-ray probably will spell doom for blu-ray after this holiday??

As for 360 being overtrack, I think it was undertrack last NPD so yeah, let spread more FUD.