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Forums - Sales Discussion - Biggest 360 Week Ever? Tales from Black Friday

750k sounds about right. INSANE.


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Shadowblind said:
KillaKB said:
the 360 will be at 600k ww and 400k in the americas atleast

It sold 500k on Black Friday, so its obviously gonna be higher then 400k, as it still has the other 6 days to account for in NA. Also, EU will probably be at least 150-200k, so I'm gonna set my prediction at 750k (Very high, I know.) At least, according to the front page.


The preview is about last week not only about black friday.


bigjon said:

You are just setting yourself up for disapointment. Sales will be very good, but the 360 is not the "it" item by any means this year. It is just now at the price where the typical "Madden" gamer will now pick one up. Umm also, I do not know if every walmart is selling them on the sales or not, but if so it is just one retailer who if it was such an amazing deal purposely limited stock(why would they want to sell their entire allottement of 360s on basically a give away.  Yes WW 360s sale should be 500-650k.... but that is nothing to get a hard on about.



Granted the 360 isn't a Turboman this Christmas season, but it is one of the hotter items at the current pricing levels and bundles. I'm predicting 400k in NA, 250K on Others, and 25k in Japan.


I googled 360 sales on black friday and got an article stating that MS stated they sold 310000. I am on my cell phone so I canot copy and paste the link.

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JaggedSac said:
I googled 360 sales on black friday and got an article stating that MS stated they sold 310000. I am on my cell phone so I canot copy and paste the link.

This is last year 's number

Well then excuse my idiocy.

If the 360 did ~500k in NA last week (as the front page article indicates from ioi) that means if it does roughly the same in Others+JPN it would equal ~705k. Now if others has a bit bigger week than last we could see 750k.

That I believe would certainly be it's largest week ever.

That video of people fighting over 360's was insane. Me thinks PS3 gap is in major jepordy

Seems the numbers were increased just a bit so should be a bit higher than estimated.