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Forums - Sales Discussion - Biggest 360 Week Ever? Tales from Black Friday

seece said:
Comrade Tovya said:
They finished the "New Xbox Live Experience" just in time I suppose as well to help with the buzz of the dropping 360 prices. Netflix streaming movies alone is a great reason to have it.

Everyone is forgetting about the x-factor for Microsoft though... the surge of HDD sales once everyone realizes that you can't really get all the enjoyment from the console without one


Thankfully microsoft are doing some good deals on those, you are right though, a lot of arcade buyers will be looking into buying one I just hope the situation doesn't piss off too many buyers.


The REAL x factor for microsoft will be Xbox live ;) can you imagin all those new users signing up? and I can only imagin a lot of buyers bought the 12 month membership last christmas and so will be updating their gold membership around now.


M$ should have money coming out of their ears!!!


Very, very true.  About $50.00 a year for the likely 4 million units that will be sold during the holidays.... $200-million extra bucks in about a month.  Now that's a sweet deal for Big Bill and the boys at MS.

And, let us not forget about Netflix... even with the small $8.99 subscription, they are going to rake it in the this holiday season as well.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Around the Network

Hello all, this is my first post on these forums however i have been reading posts on here for quite sometime.

In metaphorical terms you wii fan boys are like kids from the slums with no money but plenty of modesty.

seems to me that wii has become such a huge success and now all that is out the window, including your modesty ;)

oh and just so there is no confusion i am a ps3 owner. the difference is i give credit were credit is due.


Gorgory said:
Yakuzaice said:

Not sure if this is where to put it, but this is what happened at my Fry's

Wii - I was quite frankly shocked at how little demand there was.  At the end of the day we still had about 35 (out of about 60) sitting in the back.  While sales were up due to the volume of customers, it wasn't much more than a normal day.

360 - Sold quite well.  Didn't sell out of any models, but the arcade and premium had pretty steady sales throughout the day.  Towards the end of the day it was probably selling the most (outside of portables).

PS3 - This was the surprise of the day.  We sold out of the 80 GB before noon.  Probably had around 60 at the start of the day.  not as much demand for the 160 GB.  Had about 30, and ended with 10-15.

PSP and DS - Both sold well throughout the day.  Not really sure which sold more.

Software - Only games that were sold in large quantites were GTA 4 (both systems sold out) and Mario Kart wii (also sold out).  The new Need for Speed also sold pretty well.  Rest of the software was mostly an assortment of big name titles on all the systems.  PC games sold a little bit of everything.  Either WotlK or Left 4 Dead was the top seller.


you live in a very strange place it seems

you are probably the only guy with that kind of stories. PS3 sell better than 360?? LOL!?
and better than the Wii !!? AHAHA man i had a really good laugh. but you eat crow when the numbers come, please dont lie again

Why the hell would I eat crow?  I never said the PS3 would be the best selling system this week.  I am just saying what happened at my store.  Just like sales vary in different European countries, they can be different across the US.  I don't see how that is so hard to understand.  Well I suppose I do after reading that post.


Can anyone tell me why Black friday is so big ???

on an unrelated note, The picture of the ex-Iraqi minister is just hilarious (for anyone who understands it, its like 2003 all over again :) )



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

Games to Finish: Silent hill Homecoming (PS3), Valkyria Chronicles (PS3), Oblivion (PS3)

hayeya_k said:
Can anyone tell me why Black friday is so big ???


Well, not real sure, but I think it's one of those odd events that just kind of created itself.  The day after Thanksgiving is traditionally the start of the Christmas Season, and Christmas has become associated with gift giving.  When I was a kid, retailers just advertised "after Thanksgiving sales" and as I have gotten older, more and more retailers have started to do it.  And because each of them were competing against each other, they each started dropping prices lower and lower on hot items to drive traffic to their stores.  The term "Black" with any given day of the week added after the term has always been associated with dropping stock prices, so I suppose someone started associating it with dropping product prices (usually the prices on products drop significantly) so it was only natural to view it the same.

Really, Christmas as we know it didn't really start to be the big shopping holiday it is until the late 40s and early 50s.  Retail marketing has kind of created the holiday as we know it.  It used to be about people just getting together to eat with family and some very light gift giving.

I think most events and holidays are created in one fashion or another by market brainwashing.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Around the Network

Two or more XB360's per family? Shortage of spare controllers or are they still horrified by RRoD?

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

indodude said:
I'm one of the people who bought a 360 during Black Friday =)



good job, you should be proud!

hayeya_k said:
Can anyone tell me why Black friday is so big ???


Black Friday is the kickoff to the holiday shopping season in the US and is notorious for being a high sales day for retailers across the country.  The term "Black Friday" was coined because it usually marks when retailers are put "in the black" for the year, meaning they begin to turn a profit (red numbers = negative numbers).

the 360 will be at 600k ww and 400k in the americas atleast

KillaKB said:
the 360 will be at 600k ww and 400k in the americas atleast

It sold 500k on Black Friday, so its obviously gonna be higher then 400k, as it still has the other 6 days to account for in NA. Also, EU will probably be at least 150-200k, so I'm gonna set my prediction at 750k (Very high, I know.) At least, according to the front page.


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.