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Forums - Sony Discussion - Littlebigplanet or....?

I sympathize with your Far Cry 2 situation. I made the same mistake.

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Thanks, I've read alot of your posts.... And most of the times I completely agree with them... So I'm gonna agree with this one to.

i got both, but judging by the games you brought, you enjoy Resistance 2 much more. LBP is really a game for ppl who want to be artistis and like to draw and create stuff

oh yeh i forgot, i made the same mistake about Far Cry 2. it look so amazing and fun in the trailers, when i got it i was immedially dissapointed. the shooting is garbage and it kills the game. its hard to explain but for those who haven't tried it, shoot a group of enemies, in just a few seconds you see what im talking about


FPSrules said:
oh yeh i forgot, i made the same mistake about Far Cry 2. it look so amazing and fun in the trailers, when i got it i was immedially dissapointed. the shooting is garbage and it kills the game. its hard to explain but for those who haven't tried it, shoot a group of enemies, in just a few seconds you see what im talking about



Since it looks like OP has made up his mind, I'm going to continue with the FC2 rip fest...

FC2 is just the anti-fun.  It's one of those games while playing it, I was thinking "Am I missing something?  How could they think this was fun?  What were the reviewers smoking?".  Just a completely boring experience.

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Well it seems my topic is gonna be a Anti-FC2 one... No problems with that at all... Yesterday I started again... Pushing myself to get my next plat. trophy.... Cause of bugs I didn't get the trophy's of all celular Mission & All jackal tapes (Yes by bugs, I actually did 'em)... After that I needed to get alot of Mp trophies aswell (Pain in the A** to get to lvl 30....) .... I started a new campaign as the guy I HATED the most, so I didn't have to work with him.... 1st cellular mission my target is stuck into a house, with no windows/doors... So I can't kill him... I decide to do a arms dealer mission, but while driving to my objective... I seen a min. of 10 enemies IN THE ROCKS. So you can't kill those guys.... Far Cry 2 is anti-fun indeed.. It kept me entertained for 6 hours.. After that it was frustration to the top... Pushed myself to get some trophies for HOME.....
BTW: It turns out I had Skeeuk on my PSN friend list all the time :P

Xen said:
It's a terrible mistake with FC2 indeed, I never buy Ubisoft games unless we're talking about PoP, Ubisoft is unique in making bad and souless games both on the Wii and the HD consoles.

Judging by what you wrote though, get R2...


 Hey, hey assasins creed was awesome. I just made the thread buy lbp so i think u should buy it but for you it seems like you would rather have R2.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.

Assassin's Creed was good, yes, not awesome... Assassin's Creed was the most dissapointing game of '07.. Just as I think Far Cry 2 will be the most dissapointing game of '08... The reviewers really smoke to much... And BTW: I failed at the bet... Fell asleep at my 39'th hour...