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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NEW: Monthly VGC most wanted. Vote here.

Mad World

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragons
Wii Sports Resort
Red Steel 2
TimeSplitter 4


Around the Network

The conduit
wii sports resort
punchout wii
sin & punishment 2
monster hunter 3


Improvements are caused by people who complain

1. Killzone 2 (PS3)
2. Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
3. Final Fantasy XIII Versus (PS3)
4. White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
5. God of War III (PS3)


Hey, my list is the most varied. It's (unless I missed a post) the only list that does not contain more than one game from any specific console.


1. No more heroes 2
2. conduit
3. madworld
4. Fatal Frame IV
5. house of the dead overkill

Around the Network
Cactus said:
Hey, my list is the most varied. It's (unless I missed a post) the only list that does not contain more than one game from any specific console.


 Thats an interesting definition of the word variaty you have. Your list has 4 jRPGs and one other game. Doesn't seem like a lot of variety to me.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

1 Mass effect 2
2 Dragon Age
3 Assassin's creed 2
4 Tales of Vesperia (PAL)
5 Bioshock 2

Wii Sports Resort
Little King Story
Mushroom Men

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Gnizmo said:
Cactus said:
Hey, my list is the most varied. It's (unless I missed a post) the only list that does not contain more than one game from any specific console.


 Thats an interesting definition of the word variaty you have. Your list has 4 jRPGs and one other game. Doesn't seem like a lot of variety to me.


That is very true, though I meant that they are varied in terms of the platform that they belong to.

Well I am still not caught up on the games that are released and I want.... but what the hey, this is most wanted, not a contract to buy them a.s.a.p.

1. Endless Ocean 2
2. No More Heroes 2
3. Fatal Frame 4
4. Deadly Creatures
5. The Conduit

Also looking forward to:
Monster Hunter 3 (DMJ is the one who got me interested in this... damn game fanboys making me spend money)
Cosmic Walker
Fragile (mostly Soriku's fault)
Wii Sports Resort

Some that haven't been officially announced.
Pikmin 3

And some perhaps-es
Red Steel 2
Muramasa: Demon Blade
Mushroom Men: Spore Wars
Sin and Punishment 2