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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - I have a 360 1080p problem, can some one help?

ahhh i see so it is upscaling, so you know how sony says the ps3 is the 'real' hd console, is that because it really actually does render games at 1080 without upscaling? I noticed the ps3 menu is running at a real 1080p, not upscaled. I still havent played a ps3 game to check if their upscaling or not (I got it for blue ray)

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I have a question for ya... I have the Samsung 46" series 7 LCD....When you change tv video1/video2. My refresh rate changes. Both are on HDMI cables. Is that normal? My video1 is 360 and video 2 is ps3.


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.



The PS3 menu is 1080p native.

The PS3 games are 720p (very fews are 1080p native, like on the 360).

Gaming in full 1080p is not for this gen...
Even Killzone2 will be 1080i (the equivalent of 720p).

(Yes, I know there is some (very rare) native 1080p games on Xbox360 and PS3... but these are little games with nothing much to render [Virtua Tennis, Street Home Court]


My Gaming Setup

ozsman said:
I have a question for ya... I have the Samsung 46" series 7 LCD....When you change tv video1/video2. My refresh rate changes. Both are on HDMI cables. Is that normal? My video1 is 360 and video 2 is ps3.

I'm not sure about the series 7, I can tell you what I think I know about the series 5. The series 5 is a 50hz Tv so it displays a 50hz signal but can recieve pretty much anything it just converts it back to a 50hz image. When I set my 360 up for it through the HDMI cables it selects 60hz which displays fine but then it changes to 50hz and asks me if I want to keep it that way (they look exactle the same) so I just say no and it reverts back to 60hz. (I only do that cos the 360 reckons some games wont play properly at 50hz but I havent had a problem) the only difference is 50hz aparently does 50fps (corrent me if I'm wrong, thats just what the guy in the shop told me) and the 60hz model (series 6) displays 60fps max. So you may have your 360 sending a 50hz and your ps3 a 60hz or something? you should just be able to adjust that on your console

Do you think that could be whats happening?


If at first you don't succeed, you fail

Series 7 does 120hz. It just tells me the hz every time I change videos. You can adjust them? hmm. I'll have to check that out.


 BTW  Gratz on your new tv


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.


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Neoraf said:


The PS3 menu is 1080p native.

The PS3 games are 720p (very fews are 1080p native, like on the 360).

Gaming in full 1080p is not for this gen...
Even Killzone2 will be 1080i (the equivalent of 720p).

(Yes, I know there is some (very rare) native 1080p games on Xbox360 and PS3... but these are little games with nothing much to render [Virtua Tennis, Street Home Court]

I knew my eyes weren't deceiving me! 

Is it worth even really having the consoles set to display 1080p then? are there benifits from having the console upscale as oposed to the TV doing the work?


If at first you don't succeed, you fail

For the HD newbies, just remember this:

As of today(2008), the norms are:

TV broadcasting = 720p

PS3 Gaming = 720p

360 Gaming = 720p

Wii Gaming = 480p

Movies (Blu-Ray) = 1080p

There is no console capable of rendering a blockbuster game (big production like Resistance2, Killzone2 or Gears of War2) in NATIVE 1080p.

Hell, even Wipeout HD is not real 1080p. Read the article


My Gaming Setup

ozsman said:

Series 7 does 120hz. It just tells me the hz every time I change videos. You can adjust them? hmm. I'll have to check that out.


 BTW  Gratz on your new tv


yeah same here, the resolution and the hz. I was reading about the series 9 earlier today and how it uses this technology to expand a frame rate up to 100fps by filling in the space betwene the frames with an estimated image of whats going to happen based on the before and after frame and its suposed to give you an even better quality image! It's not just blending the 2 images together, its even better then that and it sounds pretty neat.

The 360 will display 50 or 60hz, I think the ps3 maxes at 60hz as well. But you know how they say your eye cant tell the difference yet these companies push tv refresh rates up to 100 lol

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

so tv is 720p but broadcasts it at 1080i ?


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.


I'm not sure what your last message means ozsman lol :p

If at first you don't succeed, you fail