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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Should I purchase a 360?

SMcc1887 said:

Since the X360 is now at such a cheap price, i am quite tempted to get one. I have a PS3 at the minute( which I like better than the X360 and would use alot more) but I wouldn't mind giving Gears 2 and Fable 2 a spin.? Is it really worth getting a 360 now, or should I wait until the next gen of consoles come out and get both a PS4 and X720?


So you like the ps3 more than the 360 even tho you dont have a 360?


Sounds to me like your letting fanboyism get in the way of smart decision making.Dont ask anyone what you should purchase if you want it get it.And i think its a good idea why not have both and enjoy all each has to offer.

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numonex said:
xlost7 said:
Dude just get a 360 now. The next wave of consoles will not release anytime soon. Not until sometime in 2010 or 2011/2012.

Everyone now is making profit expect the PS3. But anywho, the 360 is not RROD no longer anymore. You can purchase a 360 now. All 360's now have a Falcon or Jasper motherboard in them. They last way longer than the original launch consoles. I have had a Falcon-360 since January and its running fine now. The DVD drive is quiet and reliable. You will not be disappointed by the selection of games.

I recommend you get: Gears of War (for understanding the story), Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Ninja Gaiden 2 (if your a ninja fan), Lost Odyssey, Left4Dead, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Fable 2, Banjo:Nuts and Bolts. Several others but those are the top of my head.



Op please ban this person for spreading false and unreliable information.



ummm.Do you own a 360? How about do you own a Falcon base 360? Do you even know if your 360 is a Falcon base? Do you still believe that Microsoft hasn't downsized there CPU and GPU? I guess you don't believe any articles or news around the web.

Do you need to go to Washington headquarters or warehouses to confirm it? It's sad when I give reliable information to someone that wants a 360 and you come in here a point figures and tell a mod to ban me for unreliable information.

Hell I have a Falcon motherboard 360 and I had it since January of this year. No problems. Go around the internet and see if you hear any 360's that have a Falcon motherboard RROD. Then come back and say my info is unreliable.

Seriously people these days. They don't think before typing...


And you can't point fanboyism to me, I own all three consoles and I enjoy all and give all consoles equal play time. Please take your flamebait elsewhere.

with its price and games, ud be a fanboy NOT to get one

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Yes some of the Black friday online deals are amazing.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

eh for 200 bucks you can't go wrong.


You wanna have your opinion, then you have to respect different opinions as well.


If you've got the cash for all its top-notch exclusives, then go for it.

Currently playing: Marvel vs. Capcom 3, League of Legends

First of all, you need to get Valkyria Chronicles. It is the best PS3 game ever made. After that, I don't care if you buy anything else on the PS3. Go hog wild on a 360 if you want. ~_n


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

NO!!!!! its bad for you! it will.....kill you! *dies* *comes back to life cuz no one can kill NFG* =D ^_~