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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft Says Xbox 360 Has the Upper Hand on the PS3


Look at how serious people took my post.


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If these announcement bug some of you so much, why read them? It is part of advertising and PR, it is part of business. Didn't Sony announced they were winning Europe recently?

As soon as I can get RROD in blue or purple I'll definately buy an Xbox 360!


TheTruthHurts! said:
Both consoles have the share of die-hard fans. I love my 360, I, however, am not blind to how great the PS3 is. Sony made mistakes, so did MS. Nintendo capitalized.

I see just as many "put your foot in your mouth" threads generated by fans quoting "insert here" company. Sony says something about the Wii or 360, a 360 or Wii fan posts it. MS says something about the PS3 or Wii. PS3 or Wii fan posts get the idea.

These companies are competing and talk shit all the time. That's the nature of business. To say MS is worse about bragging than Sony, or Nin, is untrue. I have seen it generated from all sides. I will agree that Nintendo has taken the "Check out my beach house I bought with the Wii profits" approach. That speaks for itself. It's easy to sit back and smile when you are in 1st.

I could scour the internet for multiple quotes about said company and start numerous threads bashing any of them. Maybe these post are intentional, or perhaps the thread generator is just sharing the info. Regardless, it going to get people spun up.


Your post wins man! unbiased and truthful FTW!!! +1

its pretty funny how PS fanboys act like this i bet if sony said this they'll be hanging by every word...

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

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~flame said:
its pretty funny how PS & 360 fanboys act like this i bet if sony said this they'll be hanging by every word...



Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
~flame said:
its pretty funny how PS & 360 fanboys act like this i bet if sony said this they'll be hanging by every word...




well cant argue with dat.... lol

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

d21lewis said:
Another case of the white console trying to keep the black console down.

lollerskates! hidden racial underlay makes me giggle!


8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

Squilliam said:
As soon as I can get RROD in blue or purple I'll definately buy an Xbox 360!


lol Squilliam!

You surprised me with that one!

Also I noticed you've changed the colour of the console sales gap in your sig from green to a reddish colour...any significance?

anyway, back on topic, well done MS, but remember that while you're strutting your stuff like a barnyard rooster  Nintendo is quietly laughing its collective ass off at you! ;)

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spankey said:
Squilliam said:
As soon as I can get RROD in blue or purple I'll definately buy an Xbox 360!


lol Squilliam!

You surprised me with that one!

Also I noticed you've changed the colour of the console sales gap in your sig from green to a reddish colour...any significance?

anyway, back on topic, well done MS, but remember that while you're strutting your stuff like a barnyard rooster  Nintendo is quietly laughing its collective ass off at you! ;)

I also changed the text as well.. So if you read the text you'll understand the colour.

@ RROD, every Xbox owner gets that colour, I want a unique RROD experience, not something that everyone gets.

