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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Just recieved my 360 today but I am having a few worrisome questions...

Mine makes that slight grinding noise sometimes. It hasn't scratched a disc yet, so I'm not worried yet.

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I don't know exactly the sound you're hearing, but are you sure it isn't just the normal movement of the drive's optical head?

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mine makes all sorts of wierd noises. works wonderfully i figure they are good noises

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With all the games I have, Fable 2 spins the loudest. I thought Gears was going to kill my 360 back when it came out. It ended up being Fable 2 that killed my DVD drive. It was my fault though, I thought my 360 was invincible, I've had it since launch and it never RROD on me. I abused it to living hell, when Fable 2 came out. I spun it for 3 days straight without turning it off. After shutting it down one day and turning it back on, I get "unreadable disc" error whenever I put a disc in. My 360 still works, just can't read DVDs. It still hasn't RROD on me. I was only a week away from NXE too. Hard drive install was at my fingertips.


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Make sure your console is horizontal, I heard discs might get scratched if it's vertical or if you move the console while the disc is spinning. It's better being safe than sorry.